I have a Pandora Plus subscription, and I understand that the bitrate depends on both the device and the subscription. However, I'm still pretty confused about the relationship between the different subscription plans, the devices that are used to receive the stream, and the bitrate of the stream.
I run the Pandora app on my iPhone (an iOS device) and then use AirPlay to send the output to my Yamaha RX-A730. What is the bitrate that Pandora sends under this circumstance? What about when I connect to my Sony earbuds?
Will I get better audio quality if I upgrade to Pandora Premium? Is the audio quality better with Pandora Plus if I use the Yamaha Music Cast app on my iPhone to listen on the receiver instead of the Pandora app?
Hi there, @floris. 👋
Nice to see you around the community space.
Yamaha devices will get 128 kbps MP3 regardless of subscription tier. Using AirPlay should provide slightly higher audio quality.
Pandora Premium Subscribers have 3 different audio quality options when streaming from a mobile device only:
To adjust your audio quality settings:
Premium subscribers have additional options for listening on a cell network, Wi-Fi, or downloads. 🎧
Hi there, @floris. 👋
Nice to see you around the community space.
Yamaha devices will get 128 kbps MP3 regardless of subscription tier. Using AirPlay should provide slightly higher audio quality.
Pandora Premium Subscribers have 3 different audio quality options when streaming from a mobile device only:
To adjust your audio quality settings:
Premium subscribers have additional options for listening on a cell network, Wi-Fi, or downloads. 🎧