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iOS: Offline Station Buffers

Local Performer

I cancel due to offline stations not playing for the most part. This happen to me a couple of times. I tried undo the stations, sign out, redownload the app. I will get one to work then when I switch to another stations all I get it's buffering. 


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @Maelo. 👋

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. I understand how frustrating this must be. 

Offline Collection:

Something to note, your offline collection will be removed if you uninstall or sign out of the Pandora app, or if you are unable to re-establish a connection with Pandora via a Wi-Fi or mobile network within 30 days. This would require you to re-download your tunes when signing back into your account from your iOS device. 


Device Details:

I'd like to share your experience with our tech team.

To help us understand the issue better, could you tell us more about your device?

  • Device & Generation: (e.g. iPhone X, iPad Air (3rd gen), etc.)
  • Carrier:
  • iOS version: (Settings > General > About > Version)
  • Pandora version: (Pandora > Profile tab > Settings gear & scroll to the bottom of the screen)
  • Have you encountered any other error messages? If so, what exactly does it say?
  • Are you manually selecting Offline Mode? Or, are you losing connection / signal and then it goes into Offline Mode?

Let me know. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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