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iOS: HomePod Won't Stay Connected

Local Performer

I have to add pandora to home every time I try to use my home pod.  Many times it won't connect and i have to uninstall and reinstall the pandora app. Today I have uninstalled and reinstalled three times and still no luck.  Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue 


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @jflaherty00. 👋

Sorry to hear that you're running into this issue.

Let's make sure your software meets the minimum requirements:

  • Pandora iOS version 2010.1
  • iOS or iPadOS 14.0
  • HomePod Software Version 14.1

This issue can be specific to the network you're using to access Pandora, so let's start by rebooting your modem and router.

Here is how to set up Pandora on Apple HomePod from a mobile device:

  • Open the Pandora app on your iOS device.
  • Go to Profile and tap Settings.
  • Next select Connect with HomePod
  • Then tap Use in Home.

Let me know how it goes. 🎧


Alyssa | Community Manager
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