Hello, name is Peter and I started using Pandora back in April 2008. I am from FL, but currently live in the UP of Michigan. My favorite Genre of music is electro/dubstep it seems based on my thumbs up radio, but I also having piano, rap, trap, classical, folk, and rock. Currently right now I am listening to my dubstep station as I work. I am a fullstack software developer and listen to pandora to drown out kids while I work out of my home office lol. I would say my favorite feature of Pandora is the stations that you can create a curate through likes and dislikes over time. I bet at this point, Pandora knows more about what I like than what I know myself. Would be really cool to see a summary of what we enjoy based on our likes over the years. I know Pandora tracks this information as it sometimes shows why it suggested a certain song to us. Would be really cool to see that musical profile built on us and is something I have wanted to see for the better part of 10 years. Anyways, nice to meet you all, and glad to be here. I have used this service for a long time now and it has been apart of my life since I was 18 and all through my adult life now. Pic below of me working in my home office not too long ago.
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