I've been using Pandora almost daily for several years now, got Pandora Plus a few years back, and there are just some things that don't make sense, to the point that I think things must be broken. From when I started Pandora, up to until recently, I would just add bands to my station's variety to listen them. As the years went by, I heard a majority of the songs these bands had. However, I noticed there was still a large portion of songs from these bands that Pandora just never played, and thus, never gave me the opportunity to give them a thumbs up. So starting a few months ago, I decided to try to correct this by adding specific songs to my variety. Since then, I still haven't heard any of the songs I added to my variety. Pandora has played related songs, songs from similar bands, and even played previously unplayed songs from the same albums as the songs I added...but I didn't add THOSE songs because I didn't like them. For example, I recently added a lot of songs from Killing's Time album The Method. I didn't have this band in my variety before this, and I just added the songs, not the band. Since then, Pandora has only played two Killing Time songs, and they weren't the ones I added, I did not like them, and I gave them both thumbs down. It hasn't played any Killing Time since, but since Killing Time was the first Grunge related music I added to my variety (Killing Time is mostly metal, but there is some Grunge to them as well), I am now thumbs-downing a huge wave of grunge music that keeps popping up. Very frustrating. It has me wondering if I added songs I don't like from the bands I like, would I finally get Pandora to play the songs I do like? Is Pandora incapable of playing songs added to variety? Are some songs not available unless I have Pandora Premium? And I know for sure that Pandora does have these songs I'm adding, because when you add a song to the variety, it pops up for you to click on to add it; if Pandora doesn't have the song, it won't pop up and you aren't allowed to add it. Also, I've listened to some of these songs on Pandora Premium after listening to an ad to get a temporary session. Speaking of which..... When you listen to an ad and get your temporary Pandora Premium, that's a separate station from your Pandora Plus one, right? Cuz I found no way of giving a thumbs up on Pandora Premium songs. I even clicked on the extra options for the songs, and picked for them to be added to my thumbs up list...but when checking the thumbs up list for my station, and my thumbs up playlists later, none of the Pandora Premium songs made it over to them. Is there anyway of getting Pandora Premium songs to play on my Pandora Plus station, other than adding to variety? And speaking of the thumbs-up list..... When I listen to a song on Pandora Premium and then go to My Collection, as you can see in the screenshot, there is a My Thumbs Up playlist with 993 songs and Eric's Thumbs Ups with 969 (And it's important that I specify going to My Collection while using Pandora Premium, cuz these thumbs up playlists don't appear in My Collection on my station normally). Both playlists update with my latest thumbs ups from my Eric's Music station. So, what's the difference between them? My mom had a station she listened to for a little while; is our combined thumbs-up songs in the My Thumbs list and that's why there's a difference in the number? But also, if you look at the second screenshot, when I compare the thumbs up playlist numbers to the thumbs up for my Eric's Music station, there's a huge difference. Are these playlists missing my older songs? Why is there 2 of them? Did I make some playlists long ago when I was drunk? I am so confused. The big thing I want to know is - If I delete these thumbs up playlists, does that delete the thumbs up from my Eric's Music station? First screenshot, playlists Second screenshot, station thumbs up
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