@bloopeanut Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to share your entire collection with another user.
I recommend creating a new thread in our Ideas board if you'd like to see that option available on Pandora.
In the meantime, you can still share the content you have in your collection one at a time with another person.
To share a content via email from your mobile device:
The easiest way share a song, station, or album is to search for it (even if it's already a part of your collection).
Then tap the name of the song/station/album and tap Share.
From here, you'll be able to share your content either through a text message, through social media, or via email.
To share content via email from the web:
From the Now Playing screen:
Hover your cursor over the album art.
Click the ellipses that appears underneath the Album art
Select Share located at the end of the menu
From there you can copy the link if you'd like to share it via email.
From the Song/Artist Details Screen:
Click the Share button located to the right of the Play button at the top of the screen.
You can select Copy Link to share a direct link via email.
For more information on how to share content from your collection on Pandora, you can view this help page article.
Hope this helps!
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