@KW76 I'm happy to address your concerns.
Skip limit with Pandora Plus:
Sorry for any confusion. There is no hourly or daily skip limit for Pandora Plus and Pandora Premium stations and in that sense you will receive unlimited skips. Although the majority of the songs in our collection will be eligible to be skipped without limits, you may encounter a portion of songs that are not eligible to be skipped due to our current licensing agreements. Since we're bound by our existing license to stream many of our tracks in a radio format, this option may not be available for some tracks. We know it can be frustrating to have to listen to a song you'd rather skip. When this happens, we suggest scrolling through your recently played tracks and selecting a song to replay. Or switch things up by tuning into a different station. Alternatively, Pandora Premium subscribers can create custom playlists that are not subject to these licensing restrictions. Let me know if you'd like more details about this. For more on the benefits of Pandora Premium, and to see your subscription options click here. We are continuously working on increasing the amount of songs which can be skipped on our stations. Our intention is to provide enough music you enjoy to avoid any inconvenience around this.
Price difference when upgrading through Apple:
Because Apple charges additional transactional fees, Pandora Premium subscriptions purchased through Apple are more expensive ($12.99/monthly) than Premium subscriptions purchased directly through Pandora ($10.99/monthly).* If you'd like to change how much you pay for Premium you'll need to cancel your subscription through Apple, wait for it to expire, and resubscribe directly through Pandora. You can check out Apple's cancellation steps for more info on how to manage your subscription from your preferred device. Once you start to hear ads again, you can upgrade to Premium from the Pandora website. If you have any trouble with cancelling, please contact the Apple support team for further assistance. *Taxes may apply depending your local tax laws.
Unable to start Premium Access Sessions:
You should still be able to listen to content on demand after watching an ad.
Can you please send me a screenshot of what you see when you attempt to listen to a song or album on demand?
(Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments)
Thanks for working with me on this.
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