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0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Alright - I just wanted to follow up and say that the PayPal upgrade worked. It looked like it would charge the FULL amount - even until I hit submit - but it did acutally PRORATE the current year and I assume it's schedule to charge the FULL amount for future years. Just a little scary when it says the full amount will be charged! All good. Thanks Pandora community admin & chat for helping me!
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I thought that would be how it works. But when I get to PayPal, it looks like it is going to charge the full amount - but I already paid the full year for Premium. I just want to make sure I am not double paying!! Will it credit back the part of the PREMIUM that would be remaining? Don't want to pay and then have to figure out how to get reimbursed.
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I am not sure I undertand the logic here - I was just auto-renewed 2 days ago for the Pandora Premium plan, paying yearly - somehow I missed the email sent a month ago. And today I started looking at the options and found the family option, which I didn't know what an option. Since I am on an annual plan, I need to wait until November 2020 to be able to upgrade? This seems so crazy!! It's an upgrade, you would like they would let you just update to pay the difference! Is there a way around this? It's paid via PayPal. Hmmmm. help please?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity, Format
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