Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hey Melody! Contact their support and they should be able to help you. I still had to round up email addresses but I guess it helped with cleaning up my list of folks that weren't really using it.
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Payment card expired. I renewed but have to add all family members back?
My payment card expired and I forgot. I clicked the link in the email notification I got about this to re subscribe. After I re subscribed I went to manage family and all of the family members I added there previously are gone. Is there a way to get them all back without having to get all of their email addresses again?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
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I added members to my family plan. Two of the members I am currently with click on accept invite in the email. When they try to sign in it says wrong username or password. We changed both their passwords and it still gives us this message. We can go back to regular pandora app and sign in with the password no issues but they still can't join my family plan.
What gives? If I'm paying for this why doesn't it work?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
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