Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
5/24/2010 | PREMIUM | 36 | 96 | 128 | 6379 | 0 |
@AdamPandora I would like to resurrect this old thread. If I am trying to search for a song within my collection, but can only remember a brief portion of the song or artist title, a search with matches within my collection should (but do not) populate at the top of the search results. For example, I have a song "the last time i saw you" by artist: "Elijah Who" in my collection. I couldn't remember the song title or artist, but I knew "Elijah" was part of it in some way. I search for "Elijah" and none of the tabs return anything from my collection (at least the top several hundred results!). If I search "Elijah Who" and click "songs" then after 20 results or so, I see the one in my collection. But I did not know the full artist name when I was searching, so this was not useful at all. Ultimately I had to stumble through scrolling hundreds of songs in my collection (NOT using the search function) before finding the song I was looking for. I am requesting that search results from your collection automatically return at the top of the list. Or, include a separate function to search specifically within a list.
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Thanks Adam! That's a lot of listening hours! Maybe it'd be cool to add 1000 and 5000 hour badges too 🙂
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@AdamPandora @GeraldPandora @TannerPandora @ErickPandora Sorry to tag you all. May I please have a screenshot showing my total listening hours and other cool metrics? I have set my profile to *Public* but still cannot see anything other than my badges. Thanks! Also a quick question on these metrics - does listening time include offline?
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