Hi, I've been an on and off user for 11 years and I would love to see these features implemented and bugs fixed. I absolutely love Pandora's algorithm, the Music Genome Project and see potential in it, and I love making custom stations and trying to fine-tune it to whatever genre I want. And sometimes I try to get so precise down to specific characteristics of the song/artist like how it sounds within a genre, or the gender or race of an artist, or even the specific year it came out! I think it's really fun especially since there are only so many Genre Stations and some of them don't fit the exact style I'm looking for. First of all, my biggest request is to pleeeease make Modes available on Google Devices. Every time I get on a Google Device like my Home Speaker or Chromecast, it keeps reverting back to My Station mode, even if I was on another mode when I casted it. I can tell this happened because it starts playing artists who are usually played on My Station mode, when I had it in Discovery mode. Admittedly, I only tried this is Discovery Mode since that's my favorite Mode. I can get Modes on my Bluetooth Speaker, however this leads to my next request. Pleeeeease fix the crashing and/or make it so the song queue is continuously set on in your Account like Spotify. This is why I can't use my Bluetooth Speaker anymore. Because I can't double-task and watch Youtube or anything else while I'm listening to a Station since it keeps crashing. I wouldn't mind the crashing if AT LEAST it got your song back when you open it again and didn't skip to the next one! It's always the same cycle! I start playing on my Bluetooth Speaker, then I start to watch Youtube, then it crashes, I open it up, and it skips to a new song, completely messing up the algorithm since it won't play that song for a while, and I'm not gonna use up replays over and over just for it to crash while I'm using it, and queueing up a new song thus using it up in the algorithm. It needs to be like Spotify's system where it starts where I left off EVEN after it crashed! Or just make it crash less... Another, less serious request I would like is to filter stations by date range. I know this sounds silly, but it's a fun game I like to play. Sometimes I wanna hear music from the 2020's from bands that were huge in the 90's, but that seems impossible to make. And I know there's Newly Released mode, but they seem to only play music from the past couple of months rather than from January 1st, 2020 to now. I like to try to make stations of the early, mid, and late parts of each decade in different genres. Getting down to a singular year would also be fun! I'm just saying the algorithm is so fun to f with, and I'm looking for something deeper. I also wanna be able to relax and chill while listening to it and do other stuff too, so I hope this dilemma gets fixed ASAP. I hope you guys understand!
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