This is my artist page:
My new album is listed here:
I would like this album: to go to my main artist page at the top. It would be nice to have all of my music grouped together. Thank you!
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Hey everyone - If you're running into any issues with your music not being connected to your artist profile, we kindly ask that you reach out to us at We'll be happy to help with these requests via email.
@aajpity I have created a ticket with our support team for you.
They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Hey everyone - If you're running into any issues with your music not being connected to your artist profile, we kindly ask that you reach out to us at We'll be happy to help with these requests via email.
I have four artist pages for my music and I don't know how this keeps happening. Can you please merge them? Here are all the links - The last one is the MAIN one
Hey @lq7193 - We are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at I've escalated your question to an email thread. Our team will be getting in touch with you shortly to make sure your music is available with one artist profile on Pandora. Thanks!
My third single I release is live have a duplicate artist page with the same name instead of on my claimed artist profile. How do I get this fixed? The Love Haze artist at the top Orange display is the correct claimed profile. Not the new artist they created with my Love in Heaven Single ArtWork.Love Haze with orange is the correct profile.
No Stats for "Single Love in Heaven"
All are live from correct profile.
Hey @foreverlovehaze - Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've escalated this to an email thread. As a FYI, we are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at 🙂
Our team will be getting in touch with you shortly to make sure your music on Pandora is up-to-date. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Ok thank you. I will look out for the follow up.
All of my original songs except 1 have been listed under the wrong artist. The only song that is correct is Demonoid. My artist name is Cheza.
I make music as Sparkbird and I seem to have quite a few artist pages — maybe 10 of them? I might not be looking at it right...
Hopefully someone can help with this!
The following albums are listed incorrectly under Cafe Accordion Orchestra (my band). Please remove them. Thank you.
Hey @stenance - Thanks for letting us now about this. I've escalated this to an email thread.
If this happens again in the future, we are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at 🙂
Our team will be getting in touch with you shortly. We appreciate your patience!
Hey @Cheza & @caobass - I've escalated your reports to email threads. 📥
Please know that we are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at 🙂
Our team will be reaching out to you in no time. We appreciate your patience in the meantime!
Hi Adam,
My songs are listed under another artist named SilentJay or at least they're linked to his other songs.... His name is 1 word together SilentJay.... Mines is Silent Jay. I put links below to 3 of my songs that are on Pandora that should only be linked under 1 artist account: Silent Jay
My song "We Gonna Rock" is listed under the other guys name which I'm pretty sure gained him some more followers after I had ran some ads for it. Very frustrating to say the least.
Hello @Silent-Jay - Thanks for bringing this to our attention. ✌️
I have escalated this report to email and we will be following up with you shortly.
Please know that we are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at 🙂
We sincerely appreciate your patience in the meantime!
My official and only artist profile for Lukas O'Neall is --- but for some reason, I have multiple profiles:
Please make sure that the ONLY profile for Lukas O'Neall is
Thanks in advance for fixing this issue.
Hi AdamPandora ,
i recently released a track through my distributor but when i search, i discovered that there are two profile for my artist page and the release were separated.
this is the new profile created but with correct name spelling -
this is the older one i requested for name meta data change and also the one i've claimed -
the first one has the correct name spelling.
Hey @ACEprime - We are best equipped to help you with catalog-related issues via email at I've escalated your question to an email thread.
Our team will be getting in touch with you shortly to make sure your music is available with one artist profile on Pandora. Thanks! ✌️