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Support for Artists

Opening Act

Is there a link to submit music to?


Moderator edit: edited title for clarity

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1,273 Replies


I don’t have the option to create a station for the artist Jahny Steel because it is greyed out.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jahnysteel To clarify, are you the artist Jahny Steel?

Let me know if so, and I can help put you in touch with our AMP team directly.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Yes I am the artist.

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for following up, @Jahnysteel.

I moved your post over to this existing thread: Support for Artists

Someone form our AMP team will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

Community Manager
Community Manager

Anytime, @Jahnysteel! 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

My artist name on pandora is yvng.clxtch and I have just found out that I currently have 3 different artist profiles for songs that I've all released. I would like to get this resolved so that my fans who use pandora don't get confused

Community Manager
Community Manager

@YvngClxtch Our AMP team can help with this.

I have created a ticket with them for you.

They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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My songs are on Pandora, but when I try to claim my artist profile my name doesn't show up in the list of suggestions. Maybe this has something to with the name being in Russian. Please advise on how I can claim the profile.

Here's my artist's page on Pandora:

Would appreciate any tips,



Hi @yurial! I've created a ticket for you and let our AMP know. 

They will be contacting you via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Ok gotcha! They were suppose to contact me a month ago hopefully they will this time though. Thanks!

Local Performer

My daughter, Kami Huff, had a 3rd song uploaded to all music platforms. However, it is not playing on Pandora. The song is "Let Go". What should we do? Her other 2 songs "Typical Girl" and "Only Child" are playing fine. Her music producer, Eric Brooke uploaded it like the others. Thank you. 

Local Performer

My artist profile 'Famous Amos Beatz' is now showing up with 6 of my tracks live on Pandora but when I go to claim my artist profile via AMP, the artist name doesn't pop up at all. I have tried several times. Please help me out. Thanks! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@famousamosbeatz I have created a ticket with our AMP team for you.

They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@staciejhuff Please have her contact our AMP team directly for assistance.

She can reach them here.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer


I am Jonelle Carter with River Road Trio. The photo on our Pandora station, River Road Trio is not ours. Who can we contact to get this changed? 

Thank You 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@riverroadtrio I have created a ticket with our AMP team for you.

They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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I have been an artist on Pandora for about 4 months now and my stats/plays were going good in the first couple of months and now have dwindled to literally ZERO for the past 4 days, with a decline over the last month.  How do I change this?  I use social media like Twitter and Instagram which is hit-or-miss and find myself in the depths of depression over this, because I work so hard at creating music.  I am independent so I don't have a large marketing campaign like a label.  Any suggestions?

A fried chicken a day keeps the broccoli away.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @floydkelly2012. 👋

Thanks so much for posting about your experience as an artist. I moved your post over to this existing thread: Artist Support

I've gone ahead and created an email support case with our AMP / Artist Support team to help take a look for you. Someone will be in touch via email soon.

In the meantime, we encourage you to post your music in the Playlist Swap so that other community members can check out your tunes. I've also added your station to my personal Pandora account. Can't wait to check out your tunes!

We're happy to have you as an artist on Pandora as well as a :pandora: Community member! 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@floydkelly2012 good afternoon, to add to what @AlyssaPandora has stated, I curate GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day) posts and playlist (clean only). If you give me your link for your music I would be more than happy to check it out, and any or all of your songs that are clean I would be more than happy to post them on the GSOTD post as well as add them to the GSOTD playlist. Earlier in the year, I had done the same for a Jazz artist here on Pandora, and his monthly listeners had inclined to about 400 more monthly. I realize it is not a dramatic jump, but it did improve. Take care and stay safe. 
