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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

272 Replies


Thanks, @MOHLovesAlaska!

You are all of the above as well. 😎 

@AdamPandora thank you very much, dear friend, have a great Saturday, and a wonderful as well as a very enjoyable weekend. Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend, I do hope these words of encouragement will be just as helpful to you as they truly are for me.

“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. (Source unknown) My dear friend, I know what it is like to struggle, to fight, to claw, to feel like you are suffocating. But yet I'm here still trying to encourage you to keep going, and you my friend are here reading what I'm saying to you, so you know what that means right? Well, it means we are both one step further today than we both were yesterday, my dear friend that is called progress, so keep progressing.

Have a great day dear friend, take care and GOD bless...



Good Thursday morning dear friend, I hope you find this quote just as encouraging as I have.  

“Sometimes, you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right.”

Not everyone is going to like the fact that you are good at what you do, some cannot do those things that come so easily for you, and they become jealous of you, and as we all know jealousy can cause friction between others. Dear friend, if you are in that position, you just keep doing the right you are doing, but if you are in a position where you are thriving because of your GOD given abilities and others are lacking then perhaps you can make a GREATER impact by sharing those talented abilities so others have that chance to thrive as well...Great leaders are known for their success, but a GREAT leader is remembered for helping others thrive to succeed as well... Friend always remember this as well, you don't have to be in a lead position to be a great leader by example...

Have a great Thursday dear friend, take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning dear friend, hopefully, this question will give you a better perspective about your pathway in your life.

Dear friend how many times have you and I said "Oh I wish I had, oh I wish I could've, If only this was that, if only I was here or there at that particular time or moment? Dear friend, those are not missed opportunities, or a string of bad luck, it is by design that it all happened that way because the truth is friend you and I can achieve everything that we set our hearts and minds to accomplish the impossible, the truth is, it is not impossible, because if someone else was able to achieve it then dear friend so can you and I. So allow me to ask you this very important question “For what reasons can it not be you?” There is only one person in this world who can keep you from not achieving all that you want to achieve "YOU" "ME". That's it, we are our own worst enemies...Our greatest ally we have is our self-confidence, so let's not make it our worst enemy by feeding it negativity... 

Have a great Friday dear friend, and a blessed weekend, take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday morning dear friend,

  Dear friend I hope this will be something that is exactly what you and I both need. “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” (Quote by  Carl Bard) 

Let go of the past the only thing that you will find there are regrets, hurts, and nothing that you and I can never change. What we can change is right now, we can make a brand new ending all from what we've learned from our past...

Have a great day dear friend, take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend, perhaps this word of encouragement is not just for me.

Here is a great quote by someone famous in our history, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 

Dear friend, the greatest person you will ever be in this life is yourself so please don't ever think or feel that you have to be someone else, or pretend to be someone else. You make this a better world just by being you...

Have a great day dear friend, take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for the words of encouragement, @MOHLovesAlaska!

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora as always my dear friend thank you for your support as well as your very kind replies. Have a great Thursday. Take care dear friend, and GOD bless...


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend, I do hope this is just as encouraging for you as it is for me.

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love? What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” — Anne Frank.

Dear friend, we will never know until we begin to move forward. A great life lived is not a great life until it is lived, a great book written starts with the very first word. You are a good person dear friend, but it remains to be seen HOW GOOD we truly are...

Have a great day dear friend, take care and GOD bless...



I love this, @MOHLovesAlaska.

Thanks for the thoughtful and kind words as always!

@AdamPandora as always dear friend, thank you for your great support as well as your very kind replies. This is a post that has helped me, and if by chance it helps someone else then it has been worth every second of my time posting this thread...It only takes one person to make a difference in the life of one in their lifetime...

Have a great day friend, take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning dear friend, can you imagine we are at the last weekend before Christmas already, oh my how time just seems to accelerate...

Dear friend I just want to tell you where you can find the greatest book ever written...go to the biggest mirror in your house and stand in front of it for 10 minutes now look at it and start writing where you see yourself in this life. You can write the greatest novel ever written...So what are you waiting for? Don't worry friend, it will be a best-seller I know because you do have it in you to make it so...

Have a great Christmas dear friend, may it be filled with joy, and laughter, and may it be one of the most memorable Christmases you have ever had...Take care dear friend, and GOD bless you... 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Such a nice message, @MOHLovesAlaska. Warmest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season! 🎄

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

@AlyssaPandora thank you dear friend, and thank you for your support. Have a great Friday, a wonderful weekend, and a very Happy memorable Christmas...

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday morning dear friend, hopefully, this will help you just as much as it has and even continues to help me. “Sometimes you don’t realize your strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.”  (Quote by Susan Gale)

Yes, my dear friend life can sometimes be cruel, and harsh, but it is at these seasons in life we can see how strong and how weak we are. Some people need a great support system to help them through their harsh season, others need little to none to see them through. But the fact is my friend no matter how great or how small your support system is, there is no greater support system than your determination to see you through it. Your determination to overcome and defeat what was meant to defeat you will make you much stronger and even more capable than what you have ever realized...So what do you say that you and I right now set our hearts and minds to determine that we are going to be victorious over this unwanted and harsh season that has come to keep us down and defeated? If I can do it, then please know my dear friend, so can you... so can you...I CAN so there is no room for I can't...Never allow room for I can't...The more you say I CAN the less you will think about giving in to the negatives of I can't...

Have a great Wednesday dear friend, take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Good Friday afternoon dear friend, I hope that this will be just as encouraging to you as it is and even has been for me.

Dear friend your greatest accomplishment and self-victory is not about the amount of money you make or will make, it comes my dear friend when you face failure in your life but you have never surrendered to failure. I don't see you as a failure my friend, I see you as a fighter, an overcomer, and one who achieves what you set your heart to achieving. I see a champion...All you need to do now is go in front of your mirror and tell the one looking back at you...I am an overcomer, I can achieve what I set my heart and mind to achieving, I'm not a failure, and I will never be a failure, and I will never give in to failure. Just keep fighting, keep living and you will see your day of victory... Wars are won by the battles we win...So keep winning those battles and soon the war will be won...You are a champion, my friend.

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend...Well, the New Year is now two days young, so where do you and I go from here my friend? I'm glad you asked that question...

We move forward, forget about last year, forget about our failures, our disappointments, our regrets, forget about all of it...This is a brand new year my friend which means you and I have a great chance to make this the best year of our life, tell yourself it will be, and tell yourself you are going to fight harder than you have ever fought before to make this brand new year the best year you have ever lived. My dear friend, you and I can do this you know why, because you and I my friend are not quitters, we are fighters we are go-getters, we are achievers, and we conquer the impossible...We make the nay-sayers, the doubters into our cheering spectators...My dear friend, I'm your fan and I'm for you...

Have a great day my dear friend, take care and GOD bless...



No doubt, @MOHLovesAlaska.

Thanks for the encouraging words as we start this new year off! 

Good Thursday afternoon dear friend.

The fall of 2008 was my darkest valley, one of the darkest times that I have ever experienced in my life. I did not have a support group, my family had always looked to me for support and as a steady post. They were at a loss when my darkness came calling upon me. My glimpse of hope, my glimpse of survival came the moment I was going to end it for good, just as my older brother Donnie had accomplished back in October of 2019. But it wasn't meant to be. GOD is real that is why I'm still here, for some unknown reason he spared me from self-destruction, from self-eradication. I witnessed a miracle of healing when I was 15, my ex-girlfriend's 8-year-old sister was on her death bed and doctors had told her parents to go home and start funeral and burial arrangements for their daughter. But GOD had a different plan, instead, she woke up asking for food, and she was not ever supposed to wake again. She went home two days later just as healthy as any normal 8-year-old, she was supposed to be in a casket. That miracle I witnessed GOD wanted me to know HE is just as real for me as HE was and is for that little girl Nichole (Who now has a family of her own). You see my dear friend, not all hope is lost when we don't see any hope. GOD opened my eyes and my HEART to show me that there is no greater hope for man, woman, or whoever else you may see yourself as than the HOPE that HE is for me, for you, and for this sick world. Give HIM that chance to be your HOPE as HE did for me. I wanted out, I wanted it to end, and I did, but HE decided against it. My dear friend, it never has to become that hopeless for you, so grab hold of the greatest HOPE that I have now, and you will see what I say is true. 

And to answer your question, my dear friend, no! No, I do not know why GOD spared me and not my brother Donnie eleven years later. Just as Nichole does not know why GOD spared her and not other 8-year-old beautiful children. But I know GOD is real...See for yourself...

Have a great Thursday dear friend, take care and GOD bless...

