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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

265 Replies


That sounds like a lot of fun, @MOHLovesAlaska. 🍎🍏 

Hope you had a great weekend as well! 

Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend...I hope you are planning a weekend fall getaway this weekend, there is so much you will miss out on...

Dear friend, are you feeling overwhelmed, pressured, or stressed??? Sometimes all you have to do is just take a step back stop whatever it is you are doing and take a long breather or a long pause...Dear friend that is what I have done for the last month...I just felt overwhelmed, pressured, and stressed so I just took a breather, a month-long pause to regenerate, refocus, and reordered some of the things in my life that needed some changes...And dear friend sometimes that is exactly what one needs to do...So stop hurting yourself by getting overwhelmed, pressured, and stressed, take a breather step back, and re-evaluate your priorities...Trust me when I say you will be so glad and blessed that you did...

Have a great Tuesday and a blessed week...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend...

Dear friend sometimes to experience the best that life has to offer you, you need to sacrifice the temporary good that you have now...Ask yourself, are you just willing to settle, or are you willing to go after the impossible? 

Have a blessed Wednesday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday morning dear friend...

Are you struggling to decide this cross-road in your life? Dear friend have you considered that perhaps the best decision is to remain exactly where you are and keep doing exactly what you are doing until the time comes when you hit that cross-road again the decision will not be such a struggle to make...

Have a great Thursday dear friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

You always know the best things to say, @MOHLovesAlaska.

Thank you for always encouraging us, friend! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora Good morning dear friend...Thank you as always for your great support and your very kind replies...As far as knowing what to say, it is only because of my life experiences that I have lived that helps me share with others my struggles, pain, mistakes, and decisions that were hard and not so hard to make...

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...

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