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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

275 Replies

@AlyssaPandora good Thursday morning dear friend, I thank you for your support in this post. Have a great day, take care and stay safe.


Good Thursday morning dear friend.

There is not one relationship that is flawless, after all we are human. Now having stated that, it is the way one responds that can put a much bigger strain on the relationship. Cooler heads always prevail, hot heads bring the matter to a boil, and sometimes even to a breaking point. 

The best way to respond to differences in a relationship that leads to verbal conflicts is to remain silent until the anger subsidies. The reason is simple, you will never have to regret saying something harsh because of your 💢 anger.

This advice was given to me by a couple that has been married for over 50 years. So you see my dear friend, if it has worked for them, than truly it can work for you. Don't allow your anger to lead you, allow your most intellectual self be your guide. You'll never go wrong with that.

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Friday morning dear friend. 

Here in Upstate N.Y the scenery is beautiful with the colors of Autumn. So put away your laptops, video games, and take this weekend with your family, and drive through the areas that have the fullness of Autumn. In a week or two it will be over, so take this weekend and enjoy it with your family 👪, and if you're single, well, dear friend invite a friend and do the same. 

Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Monday morning dear friend.

Try to imagine if every human being on this planet was the same, with the same skin color, and the same type of characteristics, like the same books, movies, food, etc... etc. Now that would be pretty da*n boring, right? Well, of course, it would. 

So, why are we so intolerant of so many who are not like us, or what we think another should be, or shouldn't be? I know I'm not flawless, are you? Food for thought.

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.   


Good Tuesday morning dear friend. This past Friday I suggested that you take the weekend and drive through the countryside to take in the beauty of Autumn's colors. Well, I will share with you few photos that I had taken. I hope you enjoy them. 

20221010_134240.jpg20221010_134248.jpg20221010_134301.jpg20221010_134327.jpgIMG_0072.jpg if you did not take a drive through the countryside then this is some of the beauty you missed out on. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend. 

No matter how much advice we take in from others, whether it is from a friend, family member, talk shows, or perhaps something we read on the net. Sometimes, we just have to throw up our hands, or just shrug our shoulder's and laugh at the situation. Dear friend, if this is you then good for you, because the only alternative would be yelling, swearing, and throwing an adult size temper tantrum. This response "NEVER" ends well, things get broke, harsh, angered filled words are thrown at innocent bystanders (most of the time that is our loved ones), we lose control for that brief moment, sadly though within that uncontrollable angered filled moment we always hurt the innocent. Dear friend, that is not who we are. 

This past Saturday I had one of those "Just throw your hands up and laugh it off" moments. But I have also responded the other way unfortunately. Friend, I learned my lesson the hard way, losing your temper, losing control because we lack patience, innocent loved ones or just innocent bystanders are at the receiving end of our outward lashing, they get hurt and they don't deserve that. Whenever you find yourself in that situation, just take a deep breath, step back, or step away and just throw up your hands and start laughing, and yes, it is that simple, especially when you already know what damage the alternative can very easily cause. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.  




Good Friday morning dear friend.

Our focus and energy are quite elevated when we are set on accomplishing our goal or task, if we were to keep that same focus and energy even after we accomplished what we were focused on accomplishing, then look at the great things we could really achieve. And no dear friend, I'm not just talking about work related tasks, but things that are even more important than that. 

Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend dear friend. Take care and stay safe.  


Good Monday morning dear friend.

Sometimes all one has to do is just go somewhere where there are no distractions for you to have that quiet time to reflect back on that moment you fell in love with you're significant other. Remember the first kiss you shared, your first touch on the hand, the first time you said "I love you." Sometimes all it takes is a reflection to save what truly is worth saving. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Beautiful photos, @MOHLovesAlaska! Not sure how I missed this one. I love the colors of autumn and wherever you are looks like a peaceful place. 🍂🌲

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning and have a wonderful week!

Thanks for keeping the positivity going, @MOHLovesAlaska. ☀️

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Good morning @AlyssaPandora, I'm happy you like those pictures, they were taken about an hour north of where I live. It is a small town called Decatur. The stonework took all summer to complete, the stone came from another place about 100 miles southeast of here. 

Have a great Monday dear friend, take care and stay safe.

P.S. Thank you @AlyssaPandora for your support in this post.  


Good Tuesday morning dear friend.

Sometimes the greatest advice that one should consider listening to is the advice that hurts the most. Because that fact is my friend most seek advice from those that we know to love us, and who we know won't say or do anything that would hurt us. Sometimes we just need to be told the BOLD, yet unwanted truth. 

Have a great day friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Wednesday morning dear friend.

Sometimes the solution to a problem has no depth in its finding, it just stares right back at you. Sometimes when searching for the truth we avoid what the truth really is, and that answer is simple because sometimes it is the truth that hurts the most. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend.

9 out of 10 times you tried to achieve your goal, 19 out of 20 times you have tried to achieve your goal or even 99 out of 100 times you have tried to achieve your goal. My dear friend let me ask you, what do these numbers all have in common? Well, if you are looking at the number of times you failed then all you see is a failure, if you're looking at that one time that was not a failure, then my friend you see what I see. 

 I see not only a person who never quits, or gives in to failure, but a person who was determined to achieve the goal that was worth achieving. I see someone with determination as well as self-confidence, I see you as someone who doesn't quit. It only takes one time to be successful for you to succeed. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Pandora Moderator - Emeritus
Pandora Moderator - Emeritus

Thanks for sharing this @MOHLovesAlaska!

This was really encouraging and honestly help my perspective on the things I'm trying to accomplish. It's funny because today I was just thinking of the goals I've set out for myself and truthfully, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

However, I'm glad I was able to drop into this thread and read your post, it was truly inspiring and uplifting.

Appreciate it! ❤️

Gerald | Community Moderator
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@GeraldPandora thank you, friend, I appreciate your very kind words, as well as your great support.

Have a great evening, take care and stay safe. 



Good Friday morning dear friend. 



If you look closely at the photo there is the Lighthouse keeper standing in the doorway of the Lighthouse, but I want you to see what I see. First look at the raging waves around him, looks pretty scary would you agree? Now look at where his hands are, they are in his pocket, and he looks as calm as someone who does not have a care in the world. 

Friend here is my point, the storms in your life may be raging, even may seem scary and out of control, but the fact is we all have that lighthouse we can turn to for shelter, comfort, guidance, direction, and advice that would help you to see you're way through the storm you are facing. You may be alone in your storm, but that does not mean you have to go through it alone. I know, because this was me in 2008, (not the photo, the storm) my storm almost ended me, that is when GOD became my lighthouse.

You have a lighthouse now turn to it. 

Have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend. Take care and stay safe. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for sharing this powerful photo and your experience, @MOHLovesAlaska. I enjoy reading these posts. 🌻

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora thank you, dear friend, as always, you along with @AdamPandora and a few others have always been my biggest supporters, including @ErickPandora. I'm very happy you like this thread, the reason I started this thread (post) was to try and use my own experience to help someone else that may face something worse, or similar to the dark time (times) that I went through. 

Have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend dear friend. 


Good Monday morning dear friend, I truly do hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Here is a quote from the late former First Lady Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who has had over 500 published quotes. I will add more of my own words at the end of her quote. 

"Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." (Eleanor Roosevelt) 

As we live in the gift that we have been given let us not forget those who are living in our gift and pray we all can enjoy each other in our mystery as well. 

Have a great day my friend, take care and stay safe. 
