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Anyone else miss the comments section?

Local Performer

I wish the new owners would consider bringing back the comments sections. Maybe add moderators to edit those useless comments or negative comments which only hurt those who posted music related comments and not silly inappropriate comments. 

What do you think? 

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27 Replies

On the Rise

As someone new-ish to Pandora, where were these comments?

I can totally understand why they left if things got into TRUMP MAGA 2020 or BUY V14GR4 HERE NOW !!!!1! 


Artist here as "Jack Phantom and the Exquisite Corpse Cabaret" (jazz)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Will702 @JackPhantom Welcome to the Pandora Community!


I am happy to see you two as early adopters of the community. Is there anything that the comments section (I wasn't with Pandora at the time of its availability) provided that you can't find in the community here?


I am hoping that this space brings a social aspect to your listening experience with Pandora and you're able to share new music, podcasts, playlists and whatever else you choose with the community. 


I am certainly happy to see you around and am around if you need anything. Smiley Happy

Erick | Sr. Manager of Social & Communities

Let's exchange playlists and podcasts in the Music + Podcasts

On the Rise

I didn't see the comments section from before: I discovered Pandora because CD Baby put my music here, to be quite honest - but as you can see I'm an enthusiastic contributor, you guys do great stuff and have some wonderful engagement.

I will say as an artist, the ability to comment on a song and have the artist able to moderate what's said there (I know some will abuse it to remove anything negative, but as you know, forums rapidly and I mean RAPIDLY gain the "meet girls in your area" spam VERY quick) is valuable feedback and an opportunity for an artist to engage.

Nobody plays jazz to get rich. But we do want to hear from and respond to anything reasonable anyone has to say about what we do!

Artist here as "Jack Phantom and the Exquisite Corpse Cabaret" (jazz)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@JackPhantom I am glad to see enthusiastic artists like you in the community.

As the comments section is no longer available, I recommend sharing your music in the Playlist Swap board and using that as a live feedback loop for your music/fan interaction, without all of the noise/spam of the past.

As a fan of Jazz music myself, I am definitely going to take the time to check out your tunes and provide you with feedback in the Playlist Swap boardMan Happy

Erick | Sr. Manager of Social & Communities

Let's exchange playlists and podcasts in the Music + Podcasts

On the Rise

VERY kind of you. I'll post a playlist once I've put together something with some other artists, so it isn't just me.


Artist here as "Jack Phantom and the Exquisite Corpse Cabaret" (jazz)

Opening Act

yes I kinda agree with you thay should bring back the comants but thay should not have filters let the pepole say what thay think plus if we tell the artist bad things then there know what they need to work on 

Opening Act

Yes that was like my first "social media" kind of thing it was really fun.


I do miss it. I've been on Pandora for close to 15 years, and I struck up conversations of substance with a few people, and developed friendships. Even if Pandora would at least tentatively allow comments in one area relating to the music, such as the artist, or an album, that's better than not having the option. Unfortunately, as Pandora listeners grew exponentially over the past few years, so did irrelevant comments ("Follow me and I'll follow you!"), spam comments sometimes, and inappropriate remarks, & communications about, & with others. I can understand that for Pandora moderators attempting to manage all of that, it would be too time-consuming & aggravating, but this platform is certainly not what it used to be in that regard. Smiley Sad


I've been wondering for the last year or so if it is possible to somehow see all of the old comments on my profile that used to be part of Pandora about 4-5 years ago. I remember the old comment system used to act as a forum of sorts where people could get to know each other based on their common music likes. It would be really nice if I could read through those messages and bring back some old memories.

Diamond in the Rough

Personally, I was glad to see them gone - which tends to be too much of a troll magnet. That's an issue with almost any website that has comment sections. On forums such as these, which have a much more active moderator watch, that's a bit different.


To my knowledge, I don't think there is Smiley Sad . I kept many of the e-mail notifications I received from Pandora when another user would comment positively and courteously (which was 99% of the time) on my profile, prior to when Pandora changed their platform and removed that capability a couple years ago. 


I think one thing that the old comments section provided that this forum lacks at this moment was personability. In the old system, I would regularly maintain conversations with different people by posting comments on individual profiles. Granted, this system was very poorly optimized, as anyone could see these often very personal messages, and you could only send about one message per minute due to the fact that it would take a considerable amount of time before comments would update and sync on profiles. 

I think this forum-style community is very good at sharing information in a productive manner, and the amount of moderation you guys put in ensures that this forum will remain a clean and welcoming online community. However, I believe that this format is somewhat inherently sterile, and moderately ineffective at communicating, well, feelings and emotions. I see this as a byproduct of a system that relies heavily on moderation and a model that aims at conversing through fewer, heavily constructed messages that come at intervals of hours or days rather than rapid, impulsive messages.

I do not, by any means think that this current forum which you guys have created is inferior or a waste of time. It is simply a different system from the old, and thus will lead to different outcomes. However, I strongly believe there is still a place for something similar to the old model, but perhaps modernized a bit.

Now, I don't know what kind of programming team you guys have, or what kind of overhead you are working with. But, I believe that the inclusion of an integrated direct messaging service into the rest of Pandora's services would fill the aforementioned void. This messaging service would not have to be anything too fancy, with the exception that I feel it is very important to include some kind of feature that allows you to see what songs that the person you are messaging is listening to. Perhaps this feature could exist such that you can see what all of your followers are listening too, and maybe this feature could toggle on and off. 

Another idea that I can think of that would be interesting, yet also probably infeasible, would be live chat rooms bound to specific radio stations. Basically, this would be something similar to live chat rooms on Twitch or Youtube livestreams. I understand that Pandora is not a "live" streaming application to the extent of Twitch or Youtube, nevertheless, I feel that interactions in chatrooms where everyone is experiencing the same content simultaneously is an incredibly valuable asset towards building an online community. I understand that live chat rooms would come with a multitude of challenges, such as a need for moderation, increased infrastructure, and I don't have any idea how you guys would work out developing radio stations for a livestreaming application given all the years of work that has gone into song prediction algorithms that are based on individual feedback and customization. Yet, nobody has really used live chatrooms on a completely music-oriented platform before, (maybe for good reason) and I think it's an idea worth talking about a least.

Let me know what you or any other community members think about these ideas 🙂


Definitely agree. At least they have this, thought going straight to a profile and commenting would certainly be easier.

Local Performer


@Will702 wrote:

I wish the new owners would consider bringing back the comments sections. Maybe add moderators to edit those useless comments or negative comments which only hurt those who posted music related comments and not silly inappropriate comments. 

What do you think? 

@Will702 wrote:

I wish the new owners would consider bringing back the comments sections. Maybe add moderators to edit those useless comments or negative comments which only hurt those who posted music related comments and not silly inappropriate comments. 

What do you think? 



Those obnoxious spam comments were on a few profiles, but became more common on Pandora's pages of musical artists, their songs, and their albums (when listeners click on links to learn more about who / what is playing).

Local Performer

Yes!!!!! Why did they remove it ast year ? Smh

0 Kudos

Opening Act

I also miss them, when they were used constructively! I was just listening to an Eva Cassidy tune and wanted to comment. Now, I LOVE Eva-hence the reason she's in the station with several thumbs up, duh-but I was going to comment on the "similar artists". I don't really have any issue with most of the ladies there and their music, just with calling them "similar"; with the presumable exception of having been born with female organs they really had little if anything in common with her. to be honest, who did? even her bio points out that she was to ecclectic to pin down her genre, if any.

see, that's a problem. just as a few others exist. I was listening to another station I created and in the last week I added Missing Persons and Berlin (love their early stuff), this is a late 70's early 80's alternative/dance station mostly, today up pops Michael Jackson?! I detest Michael and with the exception of the timing on the release I have no idea what he's supposed to have to do with the station. I wish there was a quicker way to bar an artist or a song from a station than waiting for another song by him to show up so I can thumb it down again.

same issue with remixes/edits. I like the Kygo song "This Town", unfortunately some idiot thought it was a good idea to let Gucci Mane into the edit, ruining it. now, I can delete the edit, but I can't get the original, unruined song into that station. it would be nice to say so in a place where people can read it.

Local Performer

Well, I know I joined Pandora during the time that the comments section was available. I miss it extremely. I met other people that shared similar music interests as me. We always used the comment sections as a place to talk to each other and it was very fun. I miss being able to contact those people because now I can’t even ask for a phone number or anything due to the comment section being taken out. I made many friends due to the comment section and I feel like I lost them because of it being taken out. I would love the comment section being added back.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @Jason1! You can do that in the Community by sending a private message to another member. If you don't have the private messaging function in your community profile page. This of the community as a safe version of the comments section.


Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to see you participating here! 

Erick | Sr. Manager of Social & Communities

Let's exchange playlists and podcasts in the Music + Podcasts