Is there a Station you like to listen to when playing D&D?
Hey, @GerberGEEK. 👋
I haven't played D&D, but I am curious as to your favorite stations while you play?
Feel free to share what you're tuned into. 🎶
Hi @GerberGEEK, I would recommend a station based on video game soundtracks like Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, and Halo. They create a good epic feel without being too dramatic. You might want a separate station for boss battles based on artists like Two Steps From Hell. If you want some starter stations, feel free to use mine: Overly Dramatic Film Scores Video Game/Movie Soundtracks: Songs for Epics Songs of Quiet Courage
Happy gaming!
My DM organizes his music library by setting and mood. He selects a category for a scene and hits random. Sometimes we all pause when the perfect music cue starts at just the right moment.
You could create playlists like Combat, Exploration, Nature, Nautical, Taverns, and Spooky. Skyrim has great background music for exploration. I created a playlist with my favorites here. If you're looking for something authentic, Pandora has a lot of nature sounds including dozens of tracks from the Disney nature films. You can find music for taverns from Skyrim, Dragon Age 2, and an entire album of bard songs from Dragon Age Inquisition.
You can curate a playlist and hit random but be careful about letting it slip to Autoplay. Autoplay is nice but it may select some off the mark tracks. Unless you don't mind Tom Petty showing up in the middle of a dungeon crawl.
@bp4437 Thanks for sharing! I would like to check out your playlist, but the link doesn't seem to be working.
Got it, thanks.
Here's my Skyrim playlist. It leans towards the peaceful background music and away from the viking chorus. Nice for a hike in the woods which is practically half the game anyways.
And here's my favorites from the Dragon Age games.
Thanks for trying @bp4437, but I still can't access your playlists. I'm only a Pandora Plus user, but I should still be able to listen to your plalyists with ads. I suspect your account is set to private. You can change that by following these instructions:
Thanks for the tip. I set the profile to private ages ago and didn't realize it would hide the playlists. It should be working now.
yo i love playing DnD (even though i just turned 15 on jan 17) and i´ve played 3rd and 5th edition for about 5-6 years and even did DMing for dragonquest which is a good DnD starter game
This thread is cool, thanks! Was in a Pathfinder group for a few years, maps based on H.P. Lovecraft - so we often listened to dark gothic shoegazing type music (we would have listened to dark gothic fishgazing music if we could find it LOL)
Man do I like Harry potter fighting those dragons game
i love inosuke from demon slayerhow to cope with mondays
i love skyrim and checked out ur playlist but u forgot to add dovakin to the list
p.s. this isnt DnD related but this is my gaming playlist
i checked it out and its cool
Here's a link to the one I'm using. D&D Background Mix - Now Playing on Pandora
Or, make your own and seed it with some of these artists:
Tina Guo
Skyrim soundtrack
Game of Thrones soundtrack (40 fingers or 2Cellos or both)
Derek & Brandon Fiechter/"The Fiechters"
Celestial Aeon Project
Over the next few weeks, I'll be looking for more "exciting" and less "new agey" and generally tweaking it. But this is what I've found so far.
Thanks for sharing @stonekarma!
I need to tune in to that station next time when I'm reading manga!
Usually, when reading manga, I love to listen to my Nujabes Station. It's a low-fi and instrumental hip-hop genre station and keeps me relaxed and intrinsically motivated when reading.
Love to see and hear all your guys' tunes when doing certain activities!