Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
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We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧
@Elkz77 how is everything? I myself also like offline mode, I think it is one of my favorite features that Pandora offers. It was great too meet you. Take care and stay safe.
Welcome to the Community, @Elkz77.
Just like you and @MOHLovesAlaska, Offline Mode is something I utilize a lot as well!
Hope we continue to see you around some more. 😎
@Elkz77 Welcome to the community! I'm a big fan of having the Offline Mode. When I walk my dog I put Pandora on Offline Mode and choose what I want to listen to out of my downloaded choices. Anyway, I hope we'll see you commenting on some of the other posts here. Peace! ✌
Much love🥰
Hi @HillbillyHoot!
I remember being 15...it feels like it was just yesterday...though I have to admit it was more like 40 years ago in reality for me.
I see your Red Hot Chilli Pipers...(as in BAGPIPERS!) and I checked them out. I LOVE them! Thanks for the awesome music rec!
I'd like to suggest you also check out a band called the SIDE...and start with a song called "Shake That Bagpipe."
ok i will Xena thx
does anyone like my profile photo if so do u think its true?
i looked it up and its spelt SIDH not side its ok though
dud listening to the song right now and it is SICK! man now i wish id know these guys earlier
@HillbillyHoot, Ooops! I am so sorry about my typo...
I'm glad you found the band anyway, and I'm glad you like it.
Hilbilly what kind of music do you like --
Moderator Edit: Removed Personal Info
Vincent T.
mod edit: removed 3rd party link
@VincentT Hi Vincent welcome to the community. What's your favorite genre of music? I hope we'll see you commenting on some of our other posts here. Peace! ✌
Welcome to the Community, @Listener001!
dude i love juicewrld (god bless his soul)... R.I.P. Juice WrldFighting Demons
@Listener001 Hi Ayden and welcome to the community. Glad to have you here.
How is everyone my name is Chris. And I am
also from Pittsburgh
I pretty much listen to any kind of music. As long as it goes with the atmosphere.