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Justin Timberlake’s New Album Is Off To An Embarrassing Start

On the Rise

Justin Timberlake returned with a new album on Friday. It was his first album in about six years. Well according to reports it isn’t a victorious return as far as some streaming numbers. First the confounding part, it has been a sales hit on ITunes. Who in the name of bubble gum is still buying music on ITunes? For the price of the album you could subscribe to a music streaming service for an entire month.  That is absolutely perplexing to me.  Now to the embarrassing part: 

“Of the  200 most-streamed songs on Spotify on Friday (March 15) in the United States alone, not one of them comes from the album. Not even the lead single, “Selfish,” or “Drown,” the only other track shared before the set dropped, appear on the ranking.”  On Pandora he is doing a little better, Selfish is currently number 5 but that’s the only song that shows up! Has his time passed? Have you listened to the album on Pandora? If so, what did you think?

5 Replies



Definitely feels like his time has passed. I didn't care for Man of the Woods either. Perhaps with so many negative stories surrounding him folks are just over it. Honestly, I think the last album I enjoyed was Futuresex/Lovesounds.


Maybe it's time to say...



Tanner | Community Moderator

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On the Rise

That is pretty funny, lol 

@Trevor1@TannerPandora In my opinion I think ever since his marriage to Jessica Biel (2012) he has been on the downslope...It is as if he dropped off the face of the earth since he got married...Just how I see it...

Take care and GOD bless...



@MOHLovesAlaska Definitely seems like it. Which may not be a bad thing if he chose to focus on his family more. But his career definitely feels like it's taken a slump.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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@TannerPandora good Thursday afternoon (or morning)...I agree that family should "ALWAYS" be the priority over everything else...regardless of how rich or famous one may be...

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...

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