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Laugh Or Smile Of The Day.

I have been trying to encourage all who read my post "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day." But I have realized that sometimes all one my need to be encouraged for a day, is just a simple smile or a good hearty laugh ๐Ÿ˜‚. So I will try my best to get a smile โ˜บ or a good hearty laugh out of you each and every day if I can.

  I will post a joke each day, and hopefully it will accomplish my goal, and that is to get you to laugh and or smile, or perhaps both. These jokes will be clean, family friendly, due to the simple fact that there are many youngsters that reply to my posts. I realize by keeping these jokes good and clean that some may sound really corny to adults, but may be really funny to the young crowd. So please keep that in mind as you read.

Q: Whatโ€™s red and bad for your teeth?


A: A brick  (OOOOOUCH).

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


315 Replies

Good Friday afternoon, dear friend... Perhaps this will get you on the right track heading into the weekend...

Q: Why are Zombies so good at trick or treating?

A: Because they are so dead-icated...

Have a great Friday and a blessed weekend...

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning dear friend... Perhaps this is the key to make you smile on this wonderful Friday... Here is a Thanksgiving joke that may get you amped up for this Thanksgiving holiday...

Q: "What kind of Turkey requires ID?"

A: Wild Turkey, of course... 

Have a blessed Friday... And a wonderful weekend friend... Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend... Thanksgiving is two weeks away...Perhaps this will help you jump-start the mood...

Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to?

A: Plymouth Rock of course...

Have a blessed day... Take care and GOD bless... 


Good Tuesday evening dear friend, I know it has been a while since the last posting... Well, hopefully, this will get a chuckle out of ya...

Have a great evening friend... Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend, This is a blond joke so please don't take offense if you are blond, and besides if you are I still think you'll love this one...

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are all on their way to heaven...

One day, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead were on their way to heaven.
God told them that there were 1,000 stairs to reach heaven, and on every stair, he would tell them a joke. If they laughed, or even just smiled, they would not make it into heaven.
The redhead managed to make it to the 45th step before laughing.
The brunette reached 200 and cracked a smile.
The blonde made it to the 999th step and burst out in laughter before God had even told his joke.
"Why are you laughing when I haven't even told my joke yet?" God asked the Blonde.
"I just got the first one!" she answered.

Have a great evening friend, take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon friend, this joke will truly touch the hearts of "ALL" parents...

A baby's laughter can be the most beautiful sound you will ever hear... Unless it's anytime before 7 am...

Have a great day friend... Take care and GOD bless...


Good Saturday evening dear friend... Hopefully, this will get you to smile...

Q: Where can you go to learn to make banana splits?

A: At sundae school of course...

Have a great night friend... Take care and GOD bless...


Diamond in the Rough

Sorry, sometimes my humor is very simple and these jokes make me laugh, I hope they make you smile:

Q: Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?

A: She kept running away from the ball!

Q: Can February March?

A: No, but April May.


Q: Which part of the house is off-limits to ghosts?

A: The Living Room.

Good Friday morning dear friend... I hope you get a good chuckle or at least a smile from this joke...

Q: Why are pediatricians always so grumpy?

A: They have very little to little patients.

Have a great Friday, and a blessed weekend take care and GOD bless...



Good Sunday evening dear friend...

Three elderly men who became friends while living in a nursing home get together in the day room and start talking about how they miss going to the bathroom without having problems. The first gentleman says, "Oh... Yeah... I remember going number one and having no problems at all. As a matter of fact, I remember being able to go so well that it was like a firehose stream...Man, I miss those days." The second gentleman starts talking about how he misses going number two without having any problems, He says to the other two, "Guy's I remember when I had to go number two I could do it on request, I never had to worry about ever having to go when I was out and about, man those were the days". The third gentleman says, "Well, I don't have any problems going number one or number two, I still go just as healthy now as when I was younger". 

  So the first two gentlemen reply and ask "So, what is your problem if you're still going just as good as you were when you were younger? Well, I go number one at 7:20 am and then 10 minutes later I go number two, the problem is I don't wake up until 9:30 am...

have a blessed night friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Oh goodness lol, @MOHLovesAlaska

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora good Monday morning dear friend... I said the same thing when I first heard it the other day... I laughed so hard, so I knew this is where I had to share it...

Have a blessed day dear friend... Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday morning dear friend, hopefully, this will be a bright spot in your day...

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says, โ€œUgh, thatโ€™s the ugliest baby Iโ€™ve ever seen!โ€ The woman walks to the bus's rear and sits down, fuming. She tells a man beside her, โ€œThe driver just insulted me!โ€ The man says, โ€œYou go up there and give him a piece of your mind. Go on, Iโ€™ll hold your monkey.โ€

Have a blessed day friend... Take care and GOD bless...



Good Wednesday morning dear friend, hopefully, this will be the ingredient you need to smack you with a smile. 

A young man goes to his father for dating advice, his father says "Son you can see all you want to know about a woman and the course of how the relationship will turn out by what kind of movie she loves, so ask her out to the movies and allow her to choose, then you will know".

I asked my date what their favorite movie was. They said โ€œTitanic.โ€ I replied, โ€œThatโ€™s a sinking relationship.โ€ 

Have a blessed day friend... Take care and GOD bless...



@MOHLovesAlaska I laughed a lot with the sinking relationship joke. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Leon | Community Moderator
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@LeonPandora as did I, dear friend... Glad you liked it...

Have a blessed day... Take care and GOD bless...



Always liked your stores.

@awaesaeh Thank you dear friend for your support and your friendly reply. I'm also very happy that you like the jokes I have posted...

Take care and GOD bless...



Good Thursday morning dear friend... Let's see if this joke gets a chuckle out of you...

The Unforgettable Helicopter Ride:

Walter took his wife Ethel to the state fair every year, and every time he would say to her, โ€œEthel, you know that Iโ€™d love to go for a ride in that helicopter.โ€ But Ethel would always reply, โ€œI know that Walter, but that helicopter ride is $50 bucks, and $50 bucks is $50 bucks.โ€

Finally, they went to the fair, and Walter said to Ethel, โ€œEthel, you know Iโ€™m 87 years old now. If I donโ€™t ride that helicopter this year, I may never get another chance.โ€ Once again Ethel replied, โ€œWalter, you know that helicopter is $50 bucks, and $50 bucks is $50 bucks.โ€

This time the helicopter pilot overheard the coupleโ€™s conversation and said, โ€œListen folks, Iโ€™ll make a deal with you. Iโ€™ll take both of you for a ride; if you can both stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word, I wonโ€™t charge you! But if you say just one word, itโ€™s $50 bucks.โ€

Walter and Ethel agreed and up they went in the helicopter. The pilot performed all kinds of fancy moves and tricks, but not a word was said by either Walter or Ethel. 

The pilot did his death-defying tricks over and over again, but still there wasnโ€™t so much as one word said.

When they finally landed, the pilot turned to Walter and said, โ€œWow! Iโ€™ve got to hand it to you. I did everything I could to get you to scream or shout out, but you didnโ€™t. Iโ€™m really impressed!โ€

Walter replied, โ€œWell to be honest I almost said something when Ethel fell out but, you know, $50 bucks is $50 bucks!โ€ 

Have a great day...Take care and GOD bless.


I moved this post to Weird but True Facts because I had placed it in the wrong thread... The great state of Maryland...

