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What's your "guilty pleasure" station?


What's the station you have on your account that you'd be most embarrased about if someone saw you listening to it? 


For the record, screw em, love what you love and who cares what other people think!


For myself, I have a couple stations dedicated to Irish Folk and Sea Shanties. I'm made fun of for them, but I don't care, I love 'em and they're great to sing along to!

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22 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ROCKaholic I love this topic! 🔥🔥🔥


My guilty pleasure would be the Salsa Station! 💃 I listen to it and imagine myself salsa dancing while I am on my commute into the office in the mornings! They play some jams that I can't get out of my head and it gives me the energy I need to get the day going. 💪

Erick | Sr. Manager of Social & Communities

Let's exchange playlists and podcasts in the Music + Podcasts

Local Performer
I have an EDM station. Don't tell everyone at work who think I only listen to metal.

Opening Act

uhh I have a taylor swift station and my friends are like broooo thats stuffs for girls

Opening Act

one of the problems of being a highschooler


Local Performer

I listen to "Beats Between the Sheets" radio often, even during mundane activities. To make it even better, the cover art for the station is 'BABY MAKING MUSIC' in retro font, and I put myself in positions where other people can see it all. the. time. I have no shame.

Local Performer
I listen mostly to EDM and metal but sometimes I turn on Big Band Swing and the likes. It just sounds classy and gives me certain feelings I can't describe.

Diamond in the Rough
I will try this "Beats Between the Sheets" station you speak of.

Diamond in the Rough

I mostly listen to rock and blues, so some might be a bit surprised that I have a Nature Sounds Radio.


I love some of her songs, even though it's really my wife who's the diehard fan. She got me into a couple though


I rely heavily on up-beat songs to get me through my work mornings! It's my daily "coffee"! Salsa sounds fun!

Opening Act

Mine is Justin Beiber because he has some love songs💋💜

Opening Act

With friends, and when I'm just out of the house, I listen to Rap/Hip Hop... mainly Eminem, Nf, etc. but in private, I listen to anime OSTs lmao dont tell anyone though

@ForgeMPH , what are some of your favorites?? I would be more than happy to add them to the GSOTD playlist. Here is the link for the playlist, enjoy the music. . Take care and stay safe.  



Mine is 'Mariah Carey Radio' 😉

Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 10.42.56 AM.png

Tanner | Community Moderator

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@TannerPandora  hey Tanner how are you doing?? I hope all is well and good for you. I will add some of Mariah Carey's music to the GSOTD playlist. I will also be more than happy to mention you for the GSOTD post with the selection of her songs. Take care @TannerPandora  and stay safe.  

0 Kudos

Opening Act

I love that playlist, so cool!

My recommendation for the playlist would be:

Anime music recommendation 

Diamond in the Rough

Celtic and folk stuff (along with similar instrumental style pieces with a lot of violin/piano) are what I listen to 99% of the time on there. Don't be embarrassed about that! Celtic is my favorite music genre.


My guilty pleasure is probably my Friends in Low Places one. I don't listen to country music super often, but I'm just in the mood for it on occasion, and I steered that station toward the more fun upbeat ones.


And I didn't realize how old the OG post on here was because the comments since are more recent. Oops. 😛

@caldella I also love that style of music, please tell me some of your favorites and I will be more than happy to add them to the GSOTD playlist, I will also be more than happy to mention you along with your favorites to the GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day Post). I do hope to here from you soon, with your favorites. Have a great Tuesday, you take care and stay safe. 

P.S. Here is the playlist that your favorites will be added to. This playlist was specifically created for the GSOTD daily post. So as you may know, this playlist grows daily with new songs from different genres of style music. Although I must admit, it is heavy with different styles of pop, as well as various Rock styles. I have been getting request to have more hip-hop, rap, and instrumental as well. Your choices would be a big help with instrumental, and Celtic.  enjoy the playlist. Be safe. 


Diamond in the Rough

Happy Wednesday! My favorites list would be pretty darn big, so I guess I could just throw out some that pop into my head.


Raglan Road - Luke Kelly

The Strayaway Child - The Chieftains

Rocky Road to Dublin - The Tossers


For any of the rock fans, I know Metallica actually did a cover of the classic Whiskey in the Jar. Haven't looked if it's on here.