Hey there, @jimbo53. 👋
Thanks so much for posting on the Pandora Community!
Adding Podcasts to your Collection:
Unlike other podcast services, Pandora doesn't use "subscriptions" to keep track of the podcasts you follow. Instead, you'll just want to go to the main program page for whatever podcast you'd like to track, and press the (+) My Collection button.
This will add the entire program to your Pandora podcast collection, so that you can stay up to date with the latest episodes as they're released.
Removing Podcasts from your Collection:
To remove a podcast from your collection, go to the podcast's main page and uncheck the (+) My Collection button.
If you are using a computer, you can also remove it from My Collection by hovering over the podcast album art, clicking the ellipsis (three dots), and selecting Remove from Collection.
Hope this info is helpful. 🎧
Hey there, @jimbo53. 👋
Thanks so much for posting on the Pandora Community!
Adding Podcasts to your Collection:
Unlike other podcast services, Pandora doesn't use "subscriptions" to keep track of the podcasts you follow. Instead, you'll just want to go to the main program page for whatever podcast you'd like to track, and press the (+) My Collection button.
This will add the entire program to your Pandora podcast collection, so that you can stay up to date with the latest episodes as they're released.
Removing Podcasts from your Collection:
To remove a podcast from your collection, go to the podcast's main page and uncheck the (+) My Collection button.
If you are using a computer, you can also remove it from My Collection by hovering over the podcast album art, clicking the ellipsis (three dots), and selecting Remove from Collection.
Hope this info is helpful. 🎧
Thanks so much. As it turns out, these unwanted podcasts were not in my collection at all, just my recently viewed items. That is why I could not delete them.
Ahh! Thank you for clarifying and for letting me know, @jimbo53.
This is actually a feature request that I have upvoted myself. Feel free to upvote by clicking on the 💙icon next to the title of the suggestion if you'd like to see this option implemented: Clear Recently Played / Search History
Hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧
I cannott get a podcast from Dateline off of my chromebook
Hey there, @FJMWLM08181973. 👋
Thanks so much for your post - I can help out with this.
Start by sorting your collection by Podcasts.
Click on the podcast you'd like to remove.
Next click on the check mark and you'll see a red X appear to remove from your collection. Below I've included a quick screenshot I took from my personal account.
Hope this helps! 🎧