I switched to a new ISP yesterday, and ever since I switched, I've not been able to play music. It just sits with the spinning record image.
I'm a web developer, so I opened up the web developer tools and I'm seeing the following 400 error for many of the requests to the API (such as tohttps://www.pandora.com/api/v1/graphql/graphql):
"message": "The request could not be validated",
"errorCode": 1028,
I'm in Houston, TX, but I think the Pandora country identification system doesn't recognize my IP as being in the US. My ISP is relatively new (founded in 2021) so may be their IPs aren't known yet? I went to a coffee shop today and had no issues playing there - only an issue at home.
Help? If I don't hear back, I guess I'll have to cancel and use a different service.
mod edit: changed title for clarity
Thank you - working now. I'll ping back if they assignment another ip subnet with the issue.
Hi, @lightman76. 👋
Thanks for letting us know about your experience. Could you share a few more details?
Let me know. 🎧
I am having the exact same issue. Just switched ISP from Xfinity to Ezee Fiber (also in Houston, TX). I am using Firefox, but have tried all other web browsers. The Desktop app also does not work. No VPN or firewall. Pandora will not run on Shield tv, Firestick, or Desktop (any web browser or Windows app). However, the app works on my ios phone. All devices are on the same network. Have been a subscriber for over 5 years with no issues until now.
Hi - yes. I've only been using Chrome to play Pandora. It's a personal computer, not using any VPNs. I have a personal firewall, but nothing has changed from before I switched ISPs or when I use my computer in other locations and it works. Like TenThumbs - I just switched to Ezee Fiber here in Houston.
I'd travelled this weekend and when I got home Pandora was playing on my Ezee Fiber IP, but earlier today, my IP got re-assigned and I'm on a different subnet and it's back to blocked again (I'm now on 66.33.109.xxx but had been 66.33.110.xxx for the past week).
Thank you both for providing those details about your ISP. I will check in with our device team about this for you, @TenThumbs @lightman76. We appreciate your patience during this process. 🎧
Thank you - working now. I'll ping back if they assignment another ip subnet with the issue.
Sounds good, @lightman76. Thanks so much for sticking with me on this and for confirming those details. Please don't hesitate to let me know if anything else pops up. Enjoy the tunes! 🎧