I ran into an issue where the song and station titles were displayed as black over the dark blue background of the website rendering them very difficult to read. Is there a setting I can change to reset this back to a light font color?
mod edit: changed title for clarity
Hi @Crayshack,
Thanks for reporting this and sharing a screenshot of what you're seeing.
Let's try running through some troubleshooting steps to see if this helps with the song and station title color.
Web Browser Troubleshooting:
If you're using a web browser, please try out the basic troubleshooting for your specific browser. I've included links to the steps below:
If you continue to experience issues after completing the appropriate troubleshooting steps linked above, please let me know what web browser you are using when this issue appears.
Let us know how it goes!
I am having the same issue. Difficult to read with the new font color
So, when I logged in today, the issue seems to have disappeared before I went through any of the troubleshooting. Not sure what I did to get rid of it besides refreshing the tab. I am in Chrome if that helps with any bug tracking, but the issue seems to be gone now.
@Crayshack Glad to hear things are back up and running again.
If this continues to be an issue down the line, please make sure to reach back out to us and let us know.
Thanks for listening!
@kevinj111 Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
This needs to be fixed. After many years this should not be an issue.
In the Now Playing (and most others) the text describing the artist/song/album just below the picture of the album is unreadable!
The text color background is unreadable 35% of the time.
Don't ask me for more information.
This would indicate you did not read this. This has been going on for many many years. Why?
Thanks. Ken
Also I build 500+ song playlists on my Mac desktop.
This would be extremely difficult on a tiny iOS screen. The desktop access must be preserved.
Thanks Again... Ken
Moderator Edit: Merged posts and format
Hi @sgginc! Thanks for posting about your experience.
I've merged your post into an existing thread about this issue. Based on your experience, it sounds like this is happening on web or the desktop player.
Our engineering team is aware of this and I've included your information on our ticket.
Pandora Update: 12/20/22
Thanks everyone for posting! If you're currently experiencing this on the web or desktop app, feel free to post in this thread and you will be added to our existing ticket.
Updates will be posted in this thread when they are made available to the community team.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
Today I noticed that the text identifying the song/artist/album was missing. I thought both colors must be the same. After awhile I had scrolled down and discovered that the text magically appeared and was readable. I've been checking this for about 3-4 hrs. White text is used for dark backgrounds. Black text is used on light backgrounds. I don't believe it. I'll check again now: White text on bright red, very readable. I still don't believe it.
Thanks... Ken
Mac Desktop - Chrome This is probably an hallucination but all the text on the Now Playing screen is corrected as above? Way too much 420. Way too much.
Thanks... Ken
Hold the presses! The text is larger! If this is true I'll... Well I'll... I'll cut back on the 420.
Thanks... Ken
Desktop & iOS:
I am very pleased with the updated color readability issue.
Both platforms do not display the song length clearly.
It's tiny text and a shade of the background color.
Very hard to read.
This is not urgent.
You've done a lot already.
Thanks... Ken
This was fixed ellegantly and perfectly. I am overflowing with happiness. This was a real pain. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Forever Thank You ❤
Moderator Edit: Format and merged posts
The Text/Background color readability issue was fixed a few days ago.
Just after that they fixed the Text/Background issue they apparently also altered the Shuffle algorithm.
Now the Text/Background issue is back. Why? It was fixed!
I give up trying to point out all these issues. I'll mostly just listen from now on...
Pandora probably already knows about them anyway.
I have also searched for hours trying to find my posts. I can't find many of them, although I'm not familiar enough with the Community navigation/search process.
I spent my 48 hr lockout on Spotify trying to build one playlist. Very arduous. Over 20 hrs spent and not over ~50 songs found if that.
Thanks... Ken