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Ideas: Higher Audio Quality

Ideas: Higher Audio Quality

Status: Open Ideas

How about higher audio quality?  Amazon has introduced this feature, and others have been ahead of Pandora as well.  It would be great to have the Genome Project advantage with higher audio quality.  Do others agree?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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Good grief this is one of the top requested features and is almost 4 years old.


pandora premium/family costs as much as equivalent plans on Spotify or Apple Music. Those apps have 3x the feature set and have grown in maturity year after year, yet somehow in a half decade Pandora launches modes and that’s about it. 

if Apple Music put any effort whatsoever into customizing Radio Stations Pandora would be buried.

Diamond in the Rough

I agree^.  This, on top of not measuring up to the  expectations set when advertising "zero interruptions," is ANOTHER reason I refuse to pay for Pandora's paid teirs: the best audio quality it offers is less than 256kbps!

I LOVE the concept of Pandora's project, but the longer it goes without the love its developers/managers should be putting into it, the more it comes across like a cheap mobile phone game app that turns out to be just a guise hiding an ad distribution platform = unloved cash cow.😒

@Pandora, PLEASE give us this incentive to use you vs the others! You GOTTA stay competitive, or you'll lose users = your support base! That would be epic-ly sad.🥺

Local Performer
After several years I finally gave up and moved to Spotify. Larger catalog and NOTICEABLY better sound quality. Pandora still wins on song suggestions
Local Performer
  • I was really hoping streaming quality would be upgraded by now. I am looking at moving to Spotify or tidal because the max mobile streaming quality with Pandora is so low, regardless of plan. 
Local Performer
Amazon music is fantastic quality...but the genome is poor compared to pandoraSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Local Performer
Thank you 😊

Jared Jc
Local Performer

I have had Pandora for 20 years, I have enjoyed it thoroughly and at one time way back when they had the lyrics on TV then it went away.  Well I recently heard a friends Prime music HD and man what a difference.  Why doesnt Pandora do the same, I am very much tempted to switch, they even say spotify is better sounding, come on Pandora, been a longtime subscriber to your Premium channel, for the same money I can get better, Get your senior leadership on board with this, you have got to keep up..

Local Performer

I wonder if anyone at Pandora is listening? If they're not going to adapt and offer higher resolution audio, then they're going to keep losing subscribers to other services that do. Pandora has an opportunity to offer a great radio experience and offer higher resolution audio that would keep subscribers happy and stop Pandora's continuous loss of subscriptions. Adapt or die. So many software companies just don't learn that lesson.

Opening Act

In response to Voodoomagnetman and everyone else who expresses frustration with being ignored when requesting a sound quality upgrade:

As a roughly 20yr subscriber, I am well aware of the ongoing discussion around the noticeable inferior sound quality of Pandora relative to most of the other streaming services.  Pandora outperforms the others with their Genome Project but that is all.  Their user interface is also quite good.

The Pandora/Sirius staff know all about continual listener requests for an upgrade but choose to ignore.  This has been going on for years now with no explanation which translates into listeners accepting the fact that Pandora/Sirius isn't interested in being competitive in sound quality. 

I figure it has to do with SiriusXM buying them out for 3.5billion in 2019 and despite the subsequent bleeding of subscribers and inferior sound quality, ad revenue remains strong.  Therefore SiriusXM has no monetary incentive to upgrade Pandora sound quality.  Unfortunately those in charge are not audiophiles.  Just do a search by typing in: 

"who owns Pandora Music" and read all about it.



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