Its not perfect, as it doesn't exclusively include German-language songs, and I never got around to trimming out the songs I don't care about (I had mostly just went through the albums of the artists I wanted and blindly added them) nor have I got around to removing the duplicate songs I was bound to add, but here's my German-language playlist. Its almost exclusively Mittleralter-Rock and Folk (stuff you might hear from Renaissance festivals or Pirate movies or whatnot). Oh, and its not just d'Artagnan like the cover suggests; they were just the first artists I added.
Very cool! @SilentProwler
Thanks so much for sharing your tunes. 🎶
@SilentProwler I will give this a definite listen too. Any songs I like I will add to GSOTD playlist, it is a playlist made up of songs that others have posted. @AlyssaPandora , @AdamPandora , @TannerPandora , @ErickPandora , (Pandora's moderators) along with a couple of others have added to GSOTD. So please feel free at anytime to add songs or songs to GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day). Hope to see more music selections from you. Take care and stay safe.
Agreed! @MOHLovesAlaska
@SilentProwler Feel free to join in on the GSOTD thread here.
We share our songs of the day from any of our favorite genres. 🎧
Thanks! I'm trying to put a German playlist together that's school appropriate. If you have any other suggestions that would be great. I substitute a lot and when I substitute a language class I like to use songs in that language. I haven't gone through your playlist to see if they are school appropriate, but it's very cool. Here's the one I'm putting together if you want to check it off and on I'll be adding as I can.