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Duplicate songs showing on My Thumbs Up playlist

Local Performer

My thumbs up playlist is now competely rearranged, with sometime quadruples of songs littered through it. Can you please restore it to what it was, as this is frustrating? I had my playlist just the way I liked it.

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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17 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for reporting these issues, @Mmorrell91.

Playlist completely rearranged:

This was related to a previous bug with playlists that was reported here: RESOLVED: 07/26/21 - Songs suddenly disappeared from larger playlists (07/20/21)

While tracks were restored, you may noticed that tracks on that playlist is now out of order. Unfortunately, we won't be able to restore your playlist back to it's original order, however you still have the option of editing the playlist to manually move any tracks around as you wish.

Check out this help page article if you need instructions on how to edit your playlist.


Duplicate tracks showing on My Thumbs Up playlist:

Our engineering team is currently looking into this issue as well.

I have added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them so they can further investigate.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Mmorrell91 I wanted to reach out and let you know that our engineering team was able to remove the duplicate tracks that were appearing in your My Thumbs Up playlist.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I am also experiencing the same thing. In addition, whenever a song is added to my thumbs up playlist by giving it a thumbs up it appears at the top, yet when I add a song to it manually, the song always appears at the bottom. In addition, I am unable to thumbs up songs without them playing in a Radio first. I do not know whether this is an issue with Pandora, or if it just isn't a feature. Also, (last thing I swear), on Mobile, I am unable to see my Collections, nor my Playlists until after I activate Premium Access. When I go to the Collections thing, all it shows me are my Saved Stations, even though they show up on the Web one. Please advise.

Many thanks,


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Alexbeau38 Everything you described is currently how Pandora functions.

Tracks get added to bottom of playlist:

When you manually add tracks to any of your existing playlists, those tracks will automatically get added to the bottom of the list. My Thumbs Up playlist is the only exception to this, where when you give a track a Thumbs Up on one of your regular stations, that track will get added to the top of My Thumbs Up playlist.


Thumbs are only an option on Radio:

This is working as intended as well. The ability to give a Thumbs Up/Down on tracks is only an option when listening to your regular radio stations. 

If you'd like to see the option to give tracks a Thumbs Up in other areas of the app, I recommend creating a feature request for your suggestion here.


Unable to view on demand content while on free service:

To clarify, it looks like your account is currently set up with the free service. Customized playlists are only an option when upgrading to Pandora Premium.

I had our support team take a look at your account, and it appears you have been enabling free sessions of Pandora Premium by watching an ad.

This is what was allowing you to create customized playlists, as well as collect on demand tracks/albums.

When these free sessions of Pandora Premium end, your account reverts back to the free service, and you no longer have access to your on demand content.

For a complete explanation of how Pandora Premium sessions work, check out the accepted solution to this thread.

Hope this helps! 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

My thumbs up playlist has lots of duplicates now and i am not able to delete them.  What's the solution to that?

Also, when i added several songs this morning to my thumbs up list, they did not go to the top.  I don't know where they went.  I'm unhappy.  I pay for premium.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Maureen2 Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?

  1. If you are on a computer, are you listening from:
    • A Mac or Windows computer?
    • Our website, or the desktop app? If you're listening from our website, what browser are you using?
  2. If you are on a device, what is the make and model (and carrier, if applicable)?
  3. Is there an error message? If so, what does it say?
  4. Can you provide me with a screenshot of some of the duplicate tracks you're seeing?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Whenever I thumbs up a song, it gets added to my thumbs up playlist. The reason behind the duplicates, as near as I can tell, is that if I thumbs up a song on one radio, it affects that radio's preferences, and the song is added to my thumbs up playlist. But when I thumbs up that same exact song on a different radio, it affects that radio's preferences, and it gets added to my thumbs up playlist again. I know that songs added to the thumbs up playlist manually will always end up on the bottom, and that if you thumbs up them after they play on a radio, they will be added to the thumbs up playlist again. I also know that some songs were released on more than one album or the same album in a deluxe or clean/explicit release or as a single, or by different artists when the song is a collab. But if it is the same song, in the same album, in the same release, thumbing up that same song in different radios shouldn't add that song to the thumbs up playlist more than once.

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Local Performer

I seem to have my thumbs up playlist showing up twice in the my thumbs up playlist. How do I get rid of the second set?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @Jeffbohrer4. 👋

I do see that you already have an open case with our User Support team via email. Someone from the team will respond to your email soon. Thanks for your patience during this process. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer


My thumbs up playlist has many duplicates in it. Some songs are duplicated over 10 times.

Will someone be able to help me with this?


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@pratterman I've created a ticket with our engineering team so they can further investigate.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Some songs are showing up twice in my "my thumbs up " list.   It's really annoying having to skip the duplicate when I play not on shuffle. Any fix to this ? 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@SirJayden Can you please send me a screenshot of what you're seeing?

(Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments)

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

How did you do this, I'm still getting multiples. Would be nice to be able to delete the song from where you're playing it as well, rather than having to go to a computer to scroll through over 2000 songs

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Local Performer

I have been struggling with the same problem for a long time!  Some of the songs in my Thumbs Up list are duplicated multiple times!  Very frustrated!!! 

Paying for Premium membership and getting less than premium service.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@SonicTonic Can you please send me a screenshot of what you're seeing?

(Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments)

I appreciate you working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer
Thanks for your reply and interest. The duplicates are not listed together on the screen.  You have to scroll up and down through the list to find the dups. As far as I know, there is no way to sort by artist or title within the list.  It seems like there was an original list of a hundred or so, then at some point the original list was duplicated once or maybe twice. I've been deleting dups for at least a year or more from the Thumbs Up list.  But, I tend to not spend too much time on it.  Was going to cancel my membership because of this but didn't do that before it was renewed. Would be nice to use Pandora as advertised instead of being so difficult to correct things like this.Thanks!
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