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Incorrect song title

Local Performer

Two Feet song mix-up

I can't tell if anything else is different but, Quick Musical Doodles and Go F*ck Yourself are swapped with each other. 

Just wanted to let the pandorasphere know!

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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84 Replies

Opening Act

Okay, you're welcome. Yesterday, when I was working on my new Huey Lewis & the News station Huey Lewis kinda put his station outta whack a little bit and I had to rethumb up the songs I thumbed up in the beginning and move the songs up to the top for my thumbs up to get it back on track. I was like Huey's been doing it all along the whole time I've been working on this station just after I took off some of his songs off that I didn't want to be on his station and all I wanna do is get it done so I'd have something fast to listen to while I crochet and sew and it's been taking me forever to figure everything out haha :0). I felt like there was something else going on too so I just kept rethumbing up my songs that needed to be rethumbed up and moving the songs up to the top of the playlist and found out that I needed to replace Billy Joel's Dodger Stadium You May Be Right live song for the concert one he did a long time ago so that fixed everything really good. I'm gonna take a break today and get back on it tomorrow. Thanks, for helping me with all this. I know it was really, really hard in the beginning to get it going. I'm being patient figuring out things 'cause I want this station to be awesome at the end while it gets all done.

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Opening Act

Can I continue working on my new Huey Lewis & the News station while I'm waiting for those two song corrections to be made? I'll have to move all of Huey Lewis' Sports album songs back up to the top eventually.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@CraftyCatMom2 Unfortunately, I am unable to provide any additional information or a timeline as to when you can expect to see this resolved. 

However, the info you've provided is helpful and I've made sure to pass it along. I've also made a note regarding your experience. 

Thanks very much for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Opening Act

That's okay, I'll just keep on working on my playlist to get it shorter so I can get to the ones I can't get to at the moment. My new updated Huey Lewis & the News station is starting to come around and pickup the songs from my playlist so I can take those off. It's easier to understand now after I put all the ones back that didn't stick the first time and tried again :0). It just came around and picked up a few songs this morning so I can remove those. I just moved up Bruce Hornsby's Every Little Kiss live song, but I can't get to his other live songs on the CD that has Every Little Kiss on it. I was thinking that it would go on and pickup Every Little Kiss live. Will it stay where it's at when I get closer to the other ones that need to be moved up to the top with it? Just curious. I'm so new to this station setup.

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Opening Act

I just saw the changes made on Huey Lewis' Honky Tonk live song and Bonnie Tyler's live song a few minutes ago so now everything is going straight. I'm going really slow with this 'cause I want to check and see if there might be another song I want to add for my thumbs ups :0).

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Hi, I also like to help for title correction.
I am in the process of Pandora artist user currently.
Would you help me?  If so, please tell me how or what info you need.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@rockstarloangel To clarify, are you an artist with music on Pandora you need help correcting?

If so, please visit our Pandora for Creators Community, and create a new thread in our AMP Support Forum to request assistance with this.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Opening Act

I can help you with that. You just go into your Pandora account in a browser, search for the song in the search box, click on the title of the song and copy the link to it then post, but remember to mark it with library error so it can be passed to the team that handles the collection. I've had quite a few in my station that I had to report 'cause I was having so much trouble getting my station crafted to my liking. It's going good now. I'm working on a Huey Lewis & the News station where I choose songs I like for it and has been so sophisticated to figure out these days.

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CraftyCatMom2, thank you for your help.
I posted a Library Error thread on Amp Support on Pandora for Creators
Community. Also AdamPandora (Community Manager) gave me some
guidance, too. Good luck with your station!
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AdamPandora (Community Manager), thank you for your help.
I posted as your guidance, and hope somebody out there in the
community can help. Thank you!

Opening Act

You're welcome. Thanks, I found myself thumbing down and moving up the songs I want for my station. I'm hoping it's finished asking me if I want another song then had to put the songs back on the list to start saving all the songs I want for real this time haha. I don't know how many times I had to do that 'til finally it started off with adding a song from Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band list of songs I like haha. It seems like I had at least 6 songs get on the station. Huey Lewis & the News has got a very interesting way to craft a station.

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Local Performer

The song labeled "Souci d' été" under the artist Koffi Olomide (DRC) from the DIVA album DR is not the right song.

Please do your research and update to the right song.

Unfortunately I don't know the real title of the song available on Pandora as Koffi has a gazillion of Albums and songs. 

But definitely Souci d'été is a whole different song. Same theme as Kikiewing actualy



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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Kmugande Thanks for reporting this!

Adam | Community Moderator
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New music alert! Picks of the Week (2.10.25)
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Opening Act


I noticed that the Huey Lewis & the News Honky Tonk Blues live song went back to the way it was before showing Hony Tonk Blues live instead of Honky Tonk Blues live. Could you have the team fix the k back in the word Honky in the song title? I moved all of Huey Lewis & the News live songs to John Fogerty's station to free up my Huey Lewis & the News station I've been working on so I can get those songs added to my station. It's much better now after figuring out how to work Huey Lewis & the News live Sports album. I actually had to thumb up one live song to make the other live songs play and didn't realize that's what I needed to do in the beginning. Thanks :0). The link to my John Fogerty station is 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s Classics and Today's Rock Fitness Radio - Pandora so the team can fix the k back on Honky.

Opening Act

Thanks, for giving this attention again. I don't know why it flipped back to Hony Tonk Blues live. I'm excited that I finally figured out how to work Huey Lewis & the News live Sports album and finally figured out why it wasn't picking up any songs from that Best Of The Doobie Brothers album due to not having the Rockin' Down The Highway song added from the right album for it to play the live version of it as well on the live album haha. It was confusing at first. I'll wait 'til the Honky Tonk Blues song titled is corrected again then I'll start back on adding all the songs to my station. I had to reset it back since I discovered the typo reappearing. I want to go straight through it this time now that I figure it all out :0).

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Local Performer

Hi Adam,

Thanks for helping out! I have gathered a set of tracks that are misrepresented. Please see this link: Pandora incorrect songs

I would assume that any collections associated with these tracks are all suspect.

Thanks again for your consideration!


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Hi @ryreinc 

I'm helping @AdamPandora. Thanks for providing us with those screenshots. I've passed this along to our curation team for further review.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

Hi, Tanner

This is CraftyCatMom2. Could you help me out too and pass this to the curation team that works on the music collection? I'm trying to craft the best new updated Huey Lewis & the News station for my friends and I to listen to together. Huey Lewis & the News live song Honky Tonk Blues has got a typo in it that is preventing me from working on it. I won't work on it yet 'til the typo is corrected. It was corrected a little while back then it went right back to Hony Tonk Blues for some reason or another then I just resetted my playlist and stopped working on it for awhile. The details are below.

Huey Lewis And The News - there should be a k in the word Honky in Huey Lewis' song Honky Tonk Blues live song. Hony Tonk Blues (Live At The Troutfarm, 2012) by Huey Lewis And The News on Pandora | Radio, Songs &...

The live Huey Lewis & the News song is in my John Fogerty station 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s Classics and Today's Rock Fitness Radio - Pandora that I am also working on to give it a little more rock singers in it since it didn't have much in it in 2018.

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Hi @CraftyCatMom2 

No problem! I've let the curation team know about the misspelling in the title of the track Honky Tonk Blues (Live At The Troutfarm, 2012) by Huey Lewis and The News. Appreciate your patience while they review. Thanks!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

Thanks, for passing this over to the curation team for review. Would you also let the curation team know that when it was corrected the first time it flipped back to the misspelling again? I don't know why it did that. It's so strange that when it was corrected the first time it flipped back. I'm gonna wait 'til the misspelling has been corrected then I'll get back onto working on my new Huey Lewis & the News station sometime soon. I was hoping to have it all done by this summer, but it looks like it's gonna take me awhile to get all my songs in.