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More Sorting Options for Playlists


Does anyone else find it beyond frustrating that you cannot sort a vurated playlist?  I pay for Premium Pandora and cannot even sort a playlist?


And why isn't there a mechanism to identify and delete duplicates from a playlist.


What is wrong with Pandora....?  They really need to up their game.



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49 Replies

Local Performer

I noticed I had a more logical sort and navigation in Pandora as a non-paying customer. Across all devices, phone, ipod, etc. the features are no longer navigable - the thumbs up/down feature isn't present, the collection view is skewed to limit me to 'only' artists 'or' songs 'or' albums 'or' stations -- but not view my 'collection' in a logical sorted format as it has been my entire history as a Pandora client. Radio stations are in numberical order on a radio. Television stations are in numerical order. Why would it ever by reasonable to consider that Pandora collections that  allegedly offer a 'filter' wouldn't provide an 'alphabetized sort' that keeps the entire collection intact??? Sensible, logical, navigable, intelligent design isn't rocket science for a music service. C'mon, Pandora. Stop running off your clients to Spotify and Amazon.

Local Performer

It is 2021 and the Pandora crew still don't care that sorting filter is a feature their clients want and need. Still relegated to filter only part of their 'collection' by listing only by 'artist/album/song/station' and even then, it won't filter alphabetically.  bullocks. it was fine until I became a paying customer - but now I'm heading to spotify.

Local Performer

I would like to be able to sort my Playlist Songs by Artist, Alphabetical, Genre, etc.

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity


Thanks for the feedback, @Wernerala

Hope to see you around community more. 🙌🏻

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I just want “sort alphabetically” useable more broadly. Specifically I don’t understand why I can’t sort my playlists alphabetically (or basically at all). I’m also annoyed that if I want to be able to keep track of my playlists contents I have to manually alphabetize the tracks.

Local Performer

Yes!! Pandora please add better organizational features! 

Local Performer

I was about to add this request but I'll tag onto this one instead.  I would also like to be able to organize by genre.  I'm surprised this isn't already a feature as my collection is growing and it's a pain to scroll through everything I have.  Thanks!

Local Performer

How do I sort playlists alphabetically?



@BomberDon-52I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

While that is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️ to express you interest in getting it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

I also recommend leaving a comment with your specific suggestion on that thread.

Hope this helps! 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I need to be able to sort a playlist by song title as well.  When are you gonna get this done Pandora?


Sorting a-z is only available for "collected" via desktop/laptop. there is no sort option for mobile app. This makes it difficult to locate a playlist or station.

Please add collected sort options to mobile app.

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Local Performer

I agree wholeheartedly! I would love to be able to sort by genre and alphabetically. I used to listen a lot more, but I got frustrated because most of my stations are designed by genre, and there is no longer a way to move a randomly played song I like to another station. I'm a musician and I love listening to music I've never heard before. It's one of the things that pandora is great for; but, I don't want to listen to Adele when listening to my Native American Artists station. I'm forced to Thumbs Down it the song to keep the station for going in a direction I'm not interested in at that moment. They used to have a "move to another station" option that was perfect for organizing stations by genre. I don't listen to my Pandora account half as much as I used to because of it.

0 Kudos


Approaching 3 years since the original post.  This is a basic usability feature for playlists, IMHO.

Local Performer

Not only to sort playlists, stations, etc. but I want to be able to sort the SONGS IN said places as well. having them in ABC order would help see if any songs are duplicated since that is a big problem.

Can we also get an option to search for songs IN playlists, maybe have that function on our profile, and when we type in a song it pops up with what stations & playlists it is in.

Also can we get a playlist for collected songs or just make that thumbs up instead and have one playlist for both. I hate trying to find songs in both and I can't. seems to me both are the same so make them one 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

How do I sort my entire playlist alphabetically?


@Paintedponyxoxo I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

While there isn't currently a way to sort the tracks in your playlist alphabetically, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️ to express you interest in getting it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

I also recommend leaving a comment with your specific suggestion on that thread.

Hope this helps! 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Being able to sort by recently added would be very nice.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

On the mobile app I would like to sort playlists, other than "recently played" as I have a lot of them.  The only community posts I have found about this are from 2019.

0 Kudos


@Mista_E If you haven't already done so, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️ to express you interest in getting it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Impossible to find songs within playlist

I recently became a pandora premium subscriber, and I've been spending a lot of time listening to my thumbs up playlist. Occasionally I'll hear a song that I'd like to remove from that playlist.

However, I'm quite troubled that there's no option to remove those songs from my playlist while they're playing. Even worse, there's no way to search for those specific songs within my playlist to delete them.

Am I missing something? How could it be possible that I can't sort a playlist alphabetically, I can't use a search function to find songs in my playlist, and I can't delete songs while they are playing? I'm baffled by this and I'm hoping there's a solution that I've missed!

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