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Thumbs Up list in profile still includes count from deleted stations


I was clearing out all of my settings to let Pandora do it's thing.  I have an Aerosmith station where I can't clear my thumbed songs because it says I have some but it doesn't list them.  The Station page says I have (1) up and (1) down but doesn't list anything.  Under "My Profile" is says I have 129 up's but the only thing I see listed is "Thumbed up on Aerosmith Radio" with no songs and I can't click it to see the songs. 

Any ideas?  It's playing  A LOT of Taylor Swift and I can only assume that's from Thumbs.  I think this was the first station I ever made and I was using it to play anything and everything I liked.  Now I want to just get it back to Aerosmith related.Aerosmith Radio - Thumbs Down.JPGAerosmith Radio - Thumbs Up.JPGMy Profile.JPG

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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22 Replies


My thumbs have been fixed. The issue that remains now is attached. You will see that I have 3 thumbs, but it does not say what the 3 songs are.




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Community Manager

@chouse I will check in with our engineering team about this new issue you are seeing.

Thanks again for your patience!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Not ideal, but I ended up completely deleting my account and creating a new
one. I manage my thumbs more closely now and I'm getting much better
stations because of it.
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