I'm trying to share a station with my friend, but the link just creates a new station for them from my original seed. It doesn't transfer the thumbed up tracks. I'm pretty sure I'm following the directions correctly
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Nothing Happens. Its been that way for months now and is beyond frustratintg.
I'm having the same problem. I want to share some of my stations with my daughter's new account. This is a Christmas gift and I need it to work. Please fix!
Using Win 10 and Web site for Pandora. When I click Thumbs Up or Down, I get the 1st attached photo screen shot. After I click the Continue button, I get the second error. Is this happening for anybody else? Been going on for 2 days or more.
Click Continue and this msg appears. Pic 2 Thumbs Up/Down Problem
Thumbs Up/Down Problem Pic 1
@AJer I moved your post to this thread to keep the community tidy.
Our engineers are aware of this issue and are currently working on it. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
This is happening to me as well, just confirmed. As recently as the fall, I was able to make this work (August 4th was the date I shared a station via email and I "cloned" it to my account successfully a few days later).
Any ETA on a fix?
I just received this email after submitting this problem to their support. It's like they aren't even aware of the problem internally even after 2 months of posts on the support forums.
@RyanMM Our support team has informed me that they were able to pass your feedback along to our engineers so they can further investigate.
Thanks for your patience with this as they work to find a resolution.
I am having the same problem. It seems like this has been going on for several months now with no solution, but Pandora simply acknowledging and thanking us for our patience!
This is a feature that is currently advertised as an option and was considered when we became Premium Account members. If this is feature that is not going working correctly, Pandora should state that clearly so account holders don't have to spend time going through the process of trying to share accounts, only to learn that it does not work as advertised.
By the threads I'm reading, this seems like very poor customer service. Is this really a priority for Pandora to address? I so, what is the estimated time till the fix is in place?
@RyanMM @rainman Unfortunately, our engineers are still looking into this.
I definitely understand your frustration and can assure you they are working on finding a fix.
We appreciate your patience.
Hey @AlyssaPandora , did something recently change? When I look at my shared stations from other people their likes aren't appearing, even though I never took action to make it my own
It looks like the likes are showing up on my mobile phone app - so perhaps it's just a website only bug on desktop?
I have this problem as well. I created a second account to use on another device in the house. Both accounts are public, and the copied playlist links (e.g., https://www.pandora.com/station/play/191328080041821054?part=ug-desktop&corr=108217214) does not work. It simply dumps me to the home page (web).
@KDandenell I was unable to reproduce this issue on my end.
After clicking on the link you provided, I am taken to a station named Mozart and such.
Is that the correct station you were attempting to share with another account?
Let me know.
That is the correct link. However, when I log in using my new account, there is no way to select that station. While logged in, I click on that link and nothing happens.
@IslandMacGuy To clarify, what page are you brought to after clicking on that link?
Would it be possible to send me a screenshot of what you are seeing?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
@IslandMacGuy After clicking on Continue, you should be able to use that station.
Are you still having trouble getting it added to your collection?
Let me know.
How long has it been? I tested Pandora's website, Android, iOS, ChromeOS and I cannot personalize my stations still. Android and iOS write Station can't be personalized, while the website shows Continue button but nothing happens once clicked, just closes the popup. Is it ever going to get fixed? It used to work, what could have broken it so badly?
Is there a workaround as temporary solution?
Yes - clicking on "Continue" sends me back to Now Playing screen. No change. Thumbs up or Thumbs down has no effect.
@n00k33n Nice to see you around the Community.
Can you please confirm that both of your accounts are set to Public?
Thanks for your patience with this.