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"This content is no longer available on Pandora" showing on collected albums


I'm seeing a few albums that i collected during the same time period show up as unavailable.  It's actually a lot of albums.  I already learned to live with radio-only licensing restrictions, but at least then i could find the content i liked on a different service if i really wanted to go back to it.  See the ones only titled "This content is no longer available on Pandora" - surely hiding the artist and album names isn't intentional??

Screenshot from 2021-06-16 10-25-07.png

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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96 Replies

Local Performer

I have multiple items in my collection that are no longer available on Pandora. I am unable to remove them myself. Can they be removed from my account?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@pennywise53 That content has now been removed from your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hey Adam, I am having the same issue with unavailable things in my collection will not delete and it’s quite annoying. Can you please please please help me out? If it’s going to delete all of my song history then I can live with it being there but if you can get rid of only the ones that are no longer available then that would be amazing.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

No problem at all, @julietodaro13.

That content has now been removed from your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I'm having issues deleting content that is showing as "Unavailable" in "My Collection".  I was able to delete a number of these but the "Unavailable" content that is left doesn't have delete as an option.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@jordan14814 I've gone ahead and removed that content from your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I have multiple unavailable albums that I can't delete from my collection. Can someone delete them for me? 

I appreciate any help in this matter.

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Hi @hempinfool 

You should be good to go. I was able to remove the content and it should update on your side shortly.

Let me know if you continue to have trouble.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

I'm having this issue too. Please advise on how to delete the items from my Playlist. Thanks

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@NJtunes I've gone ahead and removed those tracks from your collection.

If I missed any, you should be able to do this on your end as well.

To remove those tracks from your collection, first sort your collection by Songs, and select Remove from you collection:

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 8.59.04 AM.png

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer
Thank you so much for your help!

Local Performer

Hi Support Team, Can I ask for assistance in removing the unavailable content from my collections list as well? 

Much and Many Thanks!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@illusyon That content has now been removed from your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I have a bunch of unavailable content, as well.  Any way I could get these cleaned up?  Thanks

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Hi @Jcochr8 

I got you! You're sell set to go. Let me know if you see any more.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

There’s a few unavailable things I can’t remove from my collection. How do I go about getting rid of them? If I can’t do it can you get rid of them?




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Community Manager
Community Manager

@ThewJZ That content has now been removed from your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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