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Samsung TV: Pandora won't play


@TannerPandora I am having the same problem on my Samsung Smart Tv.  The songs will not play. They stay stuck at 0:00. I deleted the app and reloaded it and that did not work.  Signed in and out multiple times as well.  [     email      ] is my account. 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity and removed personal information



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Hi @danamtherrien! Welcome to community 👋

Looks like you may have reached out to our User Support team as well. To avoid any confusion or redundant troubleshooting steps I would recommend responding to the agent through their email if you continue to have trouble.

If your issue is resolved, please feel free to post any helpful steps here for other listeners that many experience a similar issue.

Thanks for being part of community.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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It's a recurring issue. My Samsung TV won't play Pandora consistently. I'm frustrated to the point of cancellation which would be unfortunate given how long I've been a Pandora customer. 

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Hey I have had the same issues for the last two years with both of my new Samsung TVs. I was so frustrated and swore I would never buy another Samsung again. Well recently I was having issues with my internet, the internet company switched out my four or five year old router and now Pandora works like a champ on both TVs. I’m not saying this will fix everyone’s issues but it’s one thing to look into if your router is a couple of years old, you might want to upgrade it and see if it helps. Tech improvements happen so rapidly that it could just help you. I’m much happier now and enjoy listening to Pandora on the TVs. Hope this helps folks. 

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Thank you! I'll give it a try!
