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Sonos: Message - "Unable to play Pandora - access is denied"

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I am having the same issue.  Have 16 Sonos devices - six Play 5's, ten Play 3's and a connect AMP.  I keep having to reauthorize Pandora every day.  This never happened before until the past two weeks where I have noticed every single day.  I reported the issue to Sonos and sent them a diagnostic.  My setup is perfect.  once I reauthorize Pandora through the Sonos app I am fine.  SONOS techs passed the buck to Pandora as they see no issue on their side.  I use the free Pandora.

Tanner.  I saw this solution posted in the Sonos community forum site and on a follow up it did not address or solve the issue.  

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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60 Replies


Hi @sreedy71! Thanks for posting your experience. I haven't received an update about this yet, but glad to hear it's working for you now.

You're welcome to report to Sonos on your end, but I am including your diagnostic number and info along in my report to our engineering team and the Sonos team. 

Let me know if anything changes for you. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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I'm having this problem as well. iPhone 8, no mesh network. My Sonos app on iPhone does not have 'Support' in 'Settings'.



Local Performer

This just happened to me from the Sonos desktop app.  However, I managed to get it to work from my smartphone (Android).  This doesn't always solve the problem though...I've had this happen off and on for years.  It's not just isolated to Pandora.  I've had this same "access denied" message with Amazon Music as well.  It's a Sonos problem which I wish they would figure out.  Since I've been using Sonos since 2005, when this happens, I typically switch to my other streaming service...or listen to my music library.

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Local Performer

Same problem.  Use it on Android Sonos 1 app and Macbook Pro.  Neither works.  Tried to "reauthorize" and got the message Pandora is conducting maintenance.  Waited a while and now get a server error message.  Seem to be going backwards....

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Local Performer

Same problem here too...Sonos Windows app and Android apps both failing.  This is happening more frequently now.  Switching to Amazon Music for the rest of today.

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Local Performer

I just tried to play pandora stations on my sonos and got the "unable to play - access denied".   Is there a solution for this?  Also, someone mentioned having to reauthorize pandora on sonos but there are no instructions.  Please help.  Thanks.

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Local Performer

Pandora not working with my Sonos since I updated Sonos app version a few days ago on my iPhone.  Access denied error.  Other music apps like Spotify still work with Sonos.  Unfortunately, this really makes Pandora not that useful to me anymore.  I will check back a few more times to see if it’s resolved.  Reauthorizing & uninstalling/reinstalling have not worked for me.  Thanks for help solving this issue. 

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Local Performer

both my internal Sonos apps are 'denying' pandora


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Local Performer

I also had my access denied to Pandora through my Sonos system. I’m using the app through my iPhone 12.
I have a mesh Wi-Fi system. The diagnostic confirmation number is 536995589

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Local Performer

using apple iphone.

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Local Performer
  • What device are you using with your Sonos? (iOS, Android, Mac desktop or Windows desktop)
    • Android, iOS, and Windows 10.
  • Do you use a mesh network?
    • We have a Unifi meshed network. There is only one AP around the area (UniFi AP-AC-Pro) that an iPad, running the Sonos app. The Sonos streamig box is hard wired over Cat6. Both devices are on the same vlan.
  • The Sonos diagnostic number
    • When you experience this again, please use the steps outlined here to submit a diagnostic to Sonos. Then write back with the confirmation number you received.
      • 1221587598.
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Local Performer

I to have the problem. I have roughly 12 Sonos 1 speakers (the type that can do alexa but alexa is disabled) and a Sonos Connect and a Sonos Beam. 

It does not matter what device I try to play on every time I start a new play I get the "access denied" message. Then of course I go in to settings and re-login and then it works .. this is new to me and just started happening recently.

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Local Performer

Wow @ptcurzon what a great idea I will try that next time I get the error (which is every morning when I try to play 🐵

Best wishes


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Local Performer

Good afternoon, I’m unable to place my  Pandora thru sonos,  anywhere else is perfect. I do received a message saying that access is denied. Please help me. I have updated everything single app.


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Local Performer

Having the same issue. Mac Desktop app running MacOS 12.0.1.

I don't believe we're on a mesh network.

Sonos diagnostic number 1394593057.


Seems to work ok if I use the Pandora app for IOS and stream to my Sonos from there.

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Local Performer

- happens on all my devices:  iPhone / iOS, Mac Desktop

- I don't use a mesh network for Wifi although I know Sonos sets up its own. I have one or more Sonos devices connected directly via Ethernet. All others are over WiFi

- This just started happening. Never had a problem before.

- Diagnostic #: 1657176752

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Local Performer

Same is happening to me. No resolution as of yet. It’s frustrating bc I have personalized music with pandora and love my stations through the house. Hope it gets resolved soon. 

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Local Performer

I had that happen with my Sonos, and the solution
was to remove the Pandora account from Sonos and
then re-add it.

Since I did that I have had no issues.

Randall Stewart


Moderator Edit: Personal Information

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Local Performer

So fast forward to 2023 and now my Sonos system requires reauthorization of Pandora after each use. Is there a fix b/c this is a huge annoyance.

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Local Performer

I am now having this issue as well and considering that about the only thing I play through my Sonos setup (9 speakers) is streaming from Pandora (except for TV audio through my play base) to say it is frustrating would be an understatement!  


And to add insult to injury, when I went to reauthorize Pandora in the Sonos App I got a message indicating that I had to run the update first but the update fails with a generic "There was a problem during the update of your Sonos system".  Please Help!!

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