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Ad Feedback - Repetitive Ads

Local Performer

Pandora please, cancel your Tide ad "coffee stain on my white shirt"

It is the most irritating ad I have ever heard in my life, I can't believe how ubiquitous it is in my car, on TV, and the internet.  Literally told my wife to stop buying Tide products because of it, and change channels to try to avoid that corny frustrating advert.  The actor/singer in it should be ashamed.

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83 Replies

Local Performer

I think Pandora has the most annoying ads ever. And they keep repeating the same one over and over again. Probably do it on purpose so you can pay for no ads.

Right now that McDonalds commercial with the fake boston accent and also the one where the guy that played kostanza on sienfeld acts like he's a dirty sweatshirt.

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Local Performer

This keeps happening to me as well and it really confuses me. It makes you think that they're targeting you with the need to check your mental health; essentially creating a problem that doesn't exist.

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Local Performer

I was just wondering if anyone other than myself getting sick of the NJ VAX FACTS advertisment?

To me most people are adult enough to know if they want it or not and to search for info if they want.  This must play 20 x's a day.  Annoying

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Local Performer

Now we've got Obama telling us we're going to die if we don't get the vaccine. Bye Pandora!!

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Local Performer

I understand why there are ads as I don't have a paid subscription but why must the same ad be played during every commercial break and I literally mean every commercial break, relentlessly. In the past 2 days I've had to listen to the Nationwide commercial probably 50+ times not including when it comes on TV commercials. Don't get me wrong, lady has a beautiful voice but its all that plays and now it's such a killjoy and I'm so sick of hearing it that I will close down my Pandora and go to YouTube so I get a **ahem** break from it.

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Local Performer

Pandora has to have multiple options for commercials. Why is it that I ONLY get USAA commercials. Literally every 3 songs it's a USAA commercial. Normally it's the one where the lady is in a car accident and she forgets her grandpa's dogtags in the car.

I'm about ready to stop using Pandora all together and switch back to YouTube.

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Local Performer

I found this after finally being irritated by all the infernal car ads. For one, if I wanted a car, I wouldn't make a selection based on an ad on Pandora. For another, there's a very specific reason I won't buy any car: I'm not dependent on one.

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Local Performer

Does anyone know how to make different commercials play?  I don't mind hearing commercials but I only hear this same one  commercial about Fire Hour Energy radio over and over.  This has been happening for years.  It's driving me insane.  Thank you.  

Local Performer

I'm hearing it after every song..................... Using the mute button on my keyboard 50 times a day. Guess I'll try youtube.

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Local Performer

I am ready to leave Pandora!   I get 20 BLM matters a day!   

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Local Performer

I am plagued with Zevo bug trap ads.  I even tried clicking on the ad to trick it to think I bought the product but it doesn't work.

I guess I'll have to go to a different streaming for a while until this ad cycles out.



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Local Performer

Has anyone in your AdOps department ever heard of frequency capping??  I keep getting the same annoying (and honestly misleading) ad for some Christian kids academy (Worldview) literally every one or two ad breaks when listening.  And no, I'm not a Christian and no, I have never heard of this place or searched for it before so it's not a retargeting/behavioral audience play.  From a partner standpoint, it's overexposure against the messaging that's detrimental to your client's ad spend.  From a listener standpoint, it is so beyond annoying to be bombarded with the same ad over and over and over.  I work in AdOps, so I understand the tradeoff for free content, however there is a balance with UX and revenue and this is obviously placing one on a much higher pedestal that others.  Please for the love of your users' sanity start frequency keeping your ad runs!

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@MusicFan54545 Thanks so much for sharing your feedback.

I have passed your message along to our Ads team for further review.

In the meantime, if the ad happens to play again, can you please send us a screenshot of it, and also make note of the exact date and time that it plays?

Thanks for working with us on this. 🤝

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Local Performer

Annoying ad from a basement dweller

Please stop the ad with the whining girl that sounds like she lives in the parent’s basement. I don’t even know that they’re selling. All I hear is a whiny - dad, whiny mom, whiny guys! And they’re trying to get her to sell something — probably so that she would leave.

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Local Performer

Amazing.   Today, every 10 minutes or after 3 songs, the Wegman Flu shot commercial was played.  Now I realize that this is a free platform but do advertises really think that replaying the same ad that often is effective?

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Yes I have turned off my music a lot when that tide commercial comes up. Can't stand it.

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Is there a way to stop/end and advertiser who's driving me absolutely bonkers since the ad comes on ALL THE TIME (not a PaidPandoraSubscriber)... The Gain Flings LOSER???  ANY HELP WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED!!! TTHHXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Diamond in the Rough

You can notify  pandora with the backdoor hack code-  nomoremajicads 


Quite Helpful and I'm grateful but I don't know how to do 'that'... can you hold my hand and walk me through the above suggestion please?  Also, I did email Pandora but don't expect an effective response since I'm subject to ads as a cheapo non-subscriber.  THANKS!

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Local Performer

Not a Tide ad complaint, but definitely an ad complaint:


I hear baby ads. All. The. Time. “Trying for a baby”. Baby products. Aquarium of the Effing Pacific pretending that sea-life are babies in an NICU.


I just suffered a miscarriage. And Pandora is incessantly reminding me to the point that it’s TAUNTING me non-stop. It’s causing me actual distress. I scramble to the device every time I hear one starting and furiously pause the audio. And then completely close the app.


So hey, Pandora! That’s probably not the kind of relationship you want with your advertising partners or your customers! I see it even resulting in a lawsuit if you’re frequently reminding a bunch of customers about some form of trauma.

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