This is bogus- there is no option to clear on IPhone 6
if you tap settings, there is no app option, only specific apps. If you tap Pandora there is no option to clear
Hi there, @TimoniumGuy. 👋
I moved your post over to the iOS section of the community space to keep everything organized.
For iOS devices, there is no option to clear your cache / data. This is only an option on Android devices as the devices are made by two different manufacturers. Sorry for any confusion those steps may have caused.
I would recommend running through the standard troubleshooting steps for iOS devices here.
Hope this helps with the issue you're experiencing. 🎧
Hi there, @TimoniumGuy. 👋
I moved your post over to the iOS section of the community space to keep everything organized.
For iOS devices, there is no option to clear your cache / data. This is only an option on Android devices as the devices are made by two different manufacturers. Sorry for any confusion those steps may have caused.
I would recommend running through the standard troubleshooting steps for iOS devices here.
Hope this helps with the issue you're experiencing. 🎧