I was part of the original thread regarding shuffle mode issues. And shuffle mode does appear to be fixed. (Thank you!) I've been meaning to post this all week, but just haven't had the time. Now, however, every single time my Pandora loads (Android phone, and either desktop app) it no longer begins playing the last station setting. Instead, it begins playing the station the first station in my alphabetical listing! This is bad for several reasons: (a) it disrupts the continuity of the listening experience and (b) it threatens to massively skew my metrics. Also, the Apple desktop app forces the user to re-login every time the app launches. Slightly irritating. I currently have 3 stations downloaded--which I never wanted, because I don't want it taking up space on my phone!--and one of those stations is Air, the first band in my collection, alphabetically. As it currently stands, if I ever did want to properly engage offline mode, I would never be able to get rid of Air as a top-playing station. Additionally (as I have implied), I do not want those stations downloaded to my phone, and I can't seem to get them removed. Whenever I switch the toggle, it just goes back to being turned on. (And also, why would you not let the user choose which 3 stations are downloaded, anyway? Certainly you'd want to choose the most appropriate stations for where you have the worst cell phone reception.)
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