Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
12/29/2006 | PLUS | 2 | 146 | 148 | 4268 | 22 |
Pandora will lose my business if this issue does not get fixed and stay fixed --- I will not renew the membership I've had for about a decade unless this gets resolved. I had a whole system worked out for getting a decent amount of variety on Pandora. Namely, I'd put my stations on Shuffle, create new ones based on songs I liked and add them to the mix, then delete old stations when they got repetitive. But for this system to work, I need to know which station is playing. Pandora, make it your New Year's resolution to fix this problem! When we're on Shuffle, we want to know which station is playing!
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