Model: GALAXY A11 Carrier: AT&T Android version: 11 Build number: RPA.200720.012.A115AUCS6BVA1 Android Security Patch Level: FEBRUARY1, 2022 Pandora version: 2201.1 (ANDROID-TUNER 22011001) Does not matter the connection type do you still have records for the last time this happened and what you did to repair this issue?
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hello, i started this thread a couple of years ago, and this issue reared it ugly head again, when ever an ad starts i get the same error message and the audio starts cutting out for a few seconds at the start of the ad
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for most of last week I did not have any ads appearing, i figured they where disabled trying to figure out he issue, Friday afternoon the reappeared along with the same error message, just thought i should pass the info along, thanks
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on my android phone, when ever an ad comes on i get error message "we are experiencing technical difficulties" and then app will pause for a second or up to a minute or so
Moderator Edit: Changed title for clarity
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