On November 26th, I sent a message to Pandora User Support asking whether there is an update. Here's my message to them and their reply: MY MESSAGE TO PANDORA USER SUPPORT There is an active topic about this issue on the Pandora Community site. (Pandora Community Support / Other Devices / Amazon Alexa: Won't Play Requested Station) (https://community.pandora.com/t5/Other-Devices/Amazon-Alexa-Won-t-Play-Requested-Station/m-p/111153#M11894) Judging by the number of posts, this problem seems to be affecting a lot of people. I posted about having this case open and have since been asked by several people whether there are any updates. Does Pandora Support have any updates I can pass along to the group? Thank you for any information you can provide. REPLY FROM PANDOAR USER SUPPORT Hi Larry, Thanks for reaching back out. This particular issue is still being evaluated at this time. Please feel free to check back in with us at a later time for an update. I'll be happy to provide one if possible. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! Emiliano Support Specialist Pandora
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