@neptune109 Are you still having trouble accessing your account? Our support team took a look and believe they see you were able to sign in on your device shortly after creating this post.
Let me know.
I o can't login to Pandora
Hi @Kornfed81 thanks for posting!
Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?
Thanks! Let me know.
I am trying to download my Pandora to my UMX 683CL. I downloaded it no problem on my old phone 2 months ago but had to replace it (same phone), now I can't do anything without having to log into Google first and download it under that email. I don't want 2 accounts and on top of that I hate google, accepting their terms means you give them access to ALL your information on your computer and phone.
Hey there, @ladypriscilla. 👋
I completely understand where you're coming from.
Please keep in mind, Pandora accounts follow the email address, not the device or phone number. You can sign into the same Pandora account on any computer or supported device, as long as you use the same email address and Pandora password. This applies to both free and paid Pandora accounts.
This means once you download the Pandora app, you can log into your original account rather than creating a completely new Pandora account. You also have a Premium trial subscription associated with your account.
Installing the App:
In order to install the app, you'll need to install it from the Google Play Store. Any app you download will need to be downloaded under your Google Play Store account.
For more information about Google Privacy terms, I would recommend contacting their team here.
I hope this helps clarify.