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(RESOLVED) Android: Pandora Starts Playing After Being Closed

Local Performer

I finally gave up tonight and deleted App. Going to be a pain to switch but I’m tired of it turning on by itself, waking me up, and/or draining my battery. Done with it.  Junk app. 

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367 Replies

Local Performer
Not on mine Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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Local Performer

I couldn't find it. There is no Auto Start on the Advanced Settings on the Pandora app on my Samsung S22 Ultra.



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Same and I can't find an update, as also referenced, in Play Store either.
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Even in the newest version there is no auto start setting.


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Local Performer

Same here.

Local Performer

Good idea. It always can be re-installed.

OR we can always open a browser like Google Chrome and go to the URL ( and sign in when and/or if music is a necessity at some point.

Not only is it playing when it's closed; everytime I restart my phone and/or turn it on, before my **ahem**s even done loading, pandora starts blasting in the middle of whatever station used last (I'm assuming) the first time it scared the **ahem** outta me. And I was not listening to Pandora beforehand. So yeah I was super freaked out. 

Although I'm not glad yall are having similar issues....I am. just a tadddddddddd....well I'm glad i am not going nuts.

Problem #2

Apparently there's some differences in the layout for pandoras settings in Android and pandoras setting in ios or on iPhones. Does anyone know if there's autoplay on start up option within the settings...cause that's probably my problem 😅  . Thank you in advanced! 

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Local Performer

I have found if you go to settings >apps >pandora, you will find a part called app timer. I dont know how to cut it off completely but i just scheduled it for sunday at 1pm to get it to stop at night.

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Local Performer


Screenshot_20231002-055237_Digital Wellbeing.jpg

 this is how i found the app timer.

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Local Performer

Pandora has now opened twice in the middle of the night over the past couple days.  Besides waking me and my wife up we have a baby in the room and it has woken her up as well.  I will have to uninstall the app because this can't keep happening.  Please tell me if there is a fix.

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Local Performer

I am also having this issue. it's very frustrating and i am on the verge of deleting pandora and switching to another service. App team can you please provide an update on estimated timeline of when this issue will be resolved? going on a few weeks now... every time i restart my phone the pandora apps automatically opens (even if it was closed before i turned my phone off) and it plays music even before my phone fully turns on. It's very annoying. 

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The fix was released to the Google Play Store on 09/27.  It is being rolled out in stages.  I got it Saturday night.  Fixes the random playing issue, but Pandora still shows up as running in the background when phone is restarted.  Kind of annoying, but it is no longer auto playing.  I still have to force close the app to prevent it from running in the background and showing up in notification pull down.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone


Got the app update from the play store a couple days ago, and so far it has not started randomly playing music.

Today I tested rebooting the phone, and the music did not start playing on reboot, so that's progress.

However, the app DID still launch itself in my notifications window when I rebooted and sit there hoping I'd press play, so I'm not considering this entirely resolved yet.

See screenshots: this is immediately post reboot.




FYI, I'm on a Galaxy S22 Ultra and having the same issue. Hope this is fixed soon!

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*Please note: This message has been Accepted as a Solution to flag the current steps and/or status of this thread. This post will be updated with more information as it is provided to the moderation team.

Pandora Status Update (10/02/23):

Hi all!

Thank you for posting your experiences. We understand how frustrating this has been.

With the 2308.1.1 release, we believe we have fixed the issue where the app would begin to automatically play music after your phone restarts. If you haven't already, please be sure to update to 2308.1.1.

If you don't see this version available for your device yet, please be patient as we continue to monitor our release schedule.


For those that are on 2308.1.1, we would like additional help to clarify your experience.

Specifically, if audible music begins to play after rebooting your phone. In some cases you may see the player notification appear on your mobile device, however, there is no music playing. While this experience is similar, we'll need clarification if music is actually playing from the device.


If music does not play, can you let us know the following info:

  1. Is the player notification for Pandora appearing but the app is not actually open in the background where it can be closed?
  2. Is the player notification for Pandora appearing and the app is opened in the background?


If after the update music continues to play after restarting your phone, please post your update in this thread for us to pass along to our teams.


We appreciate your help and continued patience.

Pandora Status Update (09/26/23):

Hi friends ‌👋

Our engineering team is still actively working on a resolution to address the issue. Rest assured that your feedback has been instrumental in guiding our efforts to rectify the situation. We understand that this has caused inconvenience and frustration, and we genuinely appreciate your continued patience as we work towards a solution.  ‌🤝


Pandora Update (09/21/23):

Hey friends 👋

Thank you for sharing your device details as well as your experience. I've updated my original post and removed the request for additional device details. At this time, we've gather enough information to share with engineering team about this issue for them to reproduce. They are actively working on a resolution and a moderator will update this thread when we have more info to share. 

We're grateful for your diligence in spotting this issue. Thanks again for your patience. 🎧

Pandora Update (09/18/23): Hi friends 👋

Thank you for raising the alarm regarding this issue.

Our engineering team is currently investigating. In the meantime, all reports from this thread are being shared on an internal ticket with our tech team. 

Something to note: I've seen a few posts regarding the "AutoStart" setting available for Premium subscribers. This issue is impacting all subscription tiers; adjusting this setting will not resolve the issue. 

While we don't have any new information to share right now, rest assured we will keep you updated on this thread when we do. We appreciate your patience while this is being worked on behind the scenes. 🎧


Pandora Update (09/15/2023): Hi friends 👋 

Thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback about your experience with the Pandora app playing without being prompted. We've shared (and will continue to share) all feedback provided on this thread with our tech team. When we received updates, the moderation team will post them here.

We appreciate your patience during the investigation process. 🎧

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

I'm on the most updated version (2308.1.1) and the pandora app is still opening up immediately upon restarting my phone. Issue is not resolved. 

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Local Performer
Did you "Force Close" the app and clear the Cache before restarting the app?Sent from my Galaxy
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I am now on 2308.1.1

The music does *not* play when I reboot my phone.

"If music does not play, can you let us know the following info:

1. Is the player notification for Pandora appearing but the app is not actually open in the background where it can be closed?

2. Is the player notification for Pandora appearing and the app is opened in the background?"

My experience is option 1: the player notification for Pandora appears with station loaded and ready to play, but the app is not actually open in the background where it can be closed. I can swipe the notification sideways to dismiss it, but it comes back (still not actually playing) multiple times throughout the day without the app being open in the background.

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Yeah, me too
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Local Performer

YesAlex Armenakis

Moderator Edit: Personal Information

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