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CarPlay + iOS 18: Recent tab won't load after updating to iOS 18

Local Performer

Has anyone been experiencing any problems with Pandora while using Apple CarPlay after updating your iPhone to iOS 18?

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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283 Replies


I think we're all experiencing virtually the same issue w/o being offered any updates of solutions but I have an idea: 

For the paid subscribers - put your accounts on hold until this is resolved

For the Free subscribers - go on social media notifying the Pandora advertisers that their add aren't being listened to due to Pandora's unwillingness to address this issue in a timely manner 

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Opening Act

Here here 👍 

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I have canceled My subscription

Moderator's edit: removed personal information

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Local Performer



So Pandora app on my iPhone is updated now to 2409.1 version and it still doesn't transition and sometimes gives this error - There was a problem loading this content. Sometimes won't even play with all the steps mentioned in the workaround. 

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Getting more confusing.  Pandora Updates above talk about version 2408 as the latest.   My version is 2409.1 and I have the same problems.  Although I get the Problem Loading Error,  I can get Pandora to play, and see the stations and if I select a station, I believe something from that station plays but the station does not stay highlighted so I do not know what station is actually playing.  I can select another station and the song switches to what I believe is a song from that station but the station does not highlight to let you know what station is actually on.  I believe that over time songs from other stations just arbitrarily play. 

Local Performer

Yes same issue with iOS 18.  Contacted car manufacturer and apple support. Screen freezes and won’t load unless l select the NOW PLAYING symbol. Eventually an error message appears stating (there was an error loading this page).  

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It’s even almost a month now, why are we still talking about this and why hasn’t it been fixed!
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Hi @Kathy4 , thanks for posting.

It seems that we need to corroborate some information about your account so created a case for you with our support team. 

They will contact you shortly through email.

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Opening Act

Hi @MariaPandora , Since you are the moderator, can you find out what is going on with these issues and perhaps let Pandora know that there are a number of disgruntled users praying for a fix, please. Is there any chance of this getting fixed? Are the any UPDATES?!!

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Local Performer

There are several work arounds to this problem, but none are what we should have to do. One is to switch to "My Collection" and then back to "Recents" and the list will appear. Another is to operate Pandora from your phone. I still get the error message, "Trouble Loading Your Content" but my music will play. I have noticed that you never really know what station is playing and sometimes a station will not start. That requires you to switch to another station and then back to the one you want. Frankly, I have been using iHeart Radio and Spotify because Pandora is so unreliable. Those all work without a hitch.

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Opening Act

You're correct, this is nothing WE should have to do. They took a perfectly functioning app and reduced to a limping app from 10 years ago technology. In my state, we have distracted driving laws, and fiddling with my phone while driving is NOT an option. So, my family plan is coming up for renewal. Pandora has not done diddly to help the users and has not even fessed up to the issue. Therefore, have not offered any compensation for the pain and suffering - kinda makes my mind up on renewal! Hey SIRIUS ARE YOU LISTENING?


I have completed the steps still having issues Pandora version 2409.1 ios


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Local Performer

This is still an issue with pandora version 2409.1 with iOS 18.0.1. When CarPlay loads pandora it defaults to the “Recent” screen which never stops saying loading. You can change to the stations screen and all stations appear. When selecting a station it will start playing but will not go to the now playing screen. 

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Local Performer

Yep. Cancelling my account since 2007.

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Local Performer

I still am and I’m on 2409.1. I can select a station but then it stays at the Selection menu and never goes to the part where it shows the album artwork and everything like it used to

What I’m doing is selecting iPod then it shows me the artwork. That’s my work around it, but it doesn’t look too pretty

Moderator Edit: Merged posts

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This issue has been happening for so long I’ve just given up being solved. As a customer Pandora seems like a company with 1 developer, 13 overpaid executives, 20 marketing and ad goofballs.


I’ve let my subscription lapse and have migrated to Apple Music.
Bob Smith

Sent from iPhone


Moderator Edit: Personal Information

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Local Performer
I will give 2 more weeks. Then Spotify or Amazon music
Ruben Flores
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Local Performer

Bought wireless CarPlay adapter on Amazon. It's a tiny solution, but still. Phone just connects automatically and then you just tap Playing Now in the upper right corner and be done. Still have to switch between stations though. Nothing comes up and still loading.....

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I am going with Spotify.

CarPlay + iOS 18: The recent tab won't load after updating to iOS 18. It has been over a month. Will you fix this or not>?

As a developer, I can promise you I would have this fixed within 24 hours.

Moderator Edit: Merged posts

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