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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

275 Replies

Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...

Not knowing what to say in a serious stressful situation is not always a bad thing...One thing you can do that may improve the situation is just give a smile and a hug...Love does not always speak...♥️

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Sunday evening dear friend, I hope you had a blessed weekend...

Dear friend one thing that makes us so unique as a human being is the many different characteristics that vary from person to person...That also includes strength, tolerance, patience, you get the idea I'm sure...If you have gone through a very difficult situation and you came through it with flying colors (Little to no emotional trauma) but you have a loved one, or a friend, or perhaps just a known acquaintance who seems to be struggling emotionally or even having an emotional breakdown...You just cannot figure out why they are suffering more than what you did...Just remember dear friend not everyone can handle stressful situations or emotional breakdowns the same as others who seem to come out unscathed...Have compassion, have mercy, and be the rock that they need you to be for them...Were all built and made differently...We all see and feel things differently even when we face the same challenges that come our way...Try to always keep that in mind...

Have a great and blessed week...Take care and GOD bless...



Music is like a warm summer breeze if hits you just right and helps you flow with it 😜 

Good Monday morning dear friend...Seeing how I'm already running late this morning I thought why not try at least to brighten someone's day with a word of encouragement...Perhaps it is exactly what I need as well...No!! I take that back...It is what I need...

Dear friend, when facing the impossible the only way to achieve it is by overcoming the obstacle and or obstacles that are in our way...We cannot take shortcuts or avoid them the obstacles are what shape us as well as change us...How do I overcome it?? Very simple my friend...By facing it head-on...There is a great Bible story about David who was a shepherd boy who faced a GIANT named Goliath...Goliath stood over 9 feet tall and was a seasoned warrior...When David went to face Goliath "He RAN to meet him in the valley of Elah"...And as the story goes David defeated the impossible by facing it head-on...You and I my friend can also defeat the Goliaths in our life (The impossible) by doing the same...

Have a great Monday and I will try and do the same although I'm starting on the wrong foot by running late...Take care my friend and GOD bless...



Thanks for the words of encouragement today, @MOHLovesAlaska.

Hope you have a great week! 

Good Sunday morning dear friend...

Perhaps the answer you are looking for lies from the opinion of someone you never thought of...

Have a wonderful day and a blessed week dear friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...My dear friend, are you too proud to listen to someone beneath your education level or pay grade??? 

A truck driver approaches a bridge with a height limit of 11'9 inches...His truck and trailer are 12ft exactly...A Policeman informs him he must find an alternate route to his destination...The driver replies his destination is only a block and a half away from where they are now...A little boy approaches and says if you let the air out of you're tires you will have the clearance to go under the bridge then you can go to that corner service station that has free air...Problem solved, disaster averted, time saved. 

Everyone has value, and everyone is important...

Have a blessed day friend...Take care and GOD bless...



@MOHLovesAlaska That was some smart thinking! 💡

Good Thursday afternoon friend...

If you're giving your all to someone, and it's not enough, you're giving it to the wrong person...Find someone who knows you're not perfect but treats you like you are, and no more restless nights will follow...

Have a blessed day dear friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Saturday morning dear friend...

The best relationship that you can have is one in which you are willing to sacrifice everything except for the relationship... 

Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday morning dear friend...

A true friend reaches for your hand, that touches your heart and dries your tears while putting a smile on you from ear to ear...So you see my dear it is you who is blessed because you can either be that true friend to someone or you already have that someone...

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for always sharing messages of positivity, @MOHLovesAlaska. Your words of encouragement and light don't go unnoticed. Hope you're having a lovely week so far! ☀️

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

@AlyssaPandora thank you dear friend for your kind words as well as you're great support in the threads that I curate...Hope all is well with you...Have a wonderful day and a blessed week...

Take care dear friend, and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning dear friend...I was asked this question some time ago...A question that has a straightforward answer...How do you end violence? How do you end verbal aggression? The answer I gave was straightforward...With one kind word at a time...with one kind gesture at a time...Some will say "Well, that is being a pacifist". So if one is angered or verbally aggressive because of something I did not do, and I'm trying to calm them with kind words or gestures does that still make one a pacifist? If you continue to attack violence with violence then all you will have is violence..." Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” (Mark Twain)

Have a great Friday and a blessed weekend dear friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good morning dear friend...I just wanted to let everyone know I will be taking a long extended period from posting on the threads I curate... I wish you peace, joy, happiness and good health dear friend...

Until we meet again take care and GOD bless you...


@AlyssaPandora, @AdamPandora, @ErickPandora, @TannerPandora, @MariaPandora, and the rest of the @Pandora family thank you for being a great friend and supporter of the threads I curate...I wish you all joy, peace, happiness and good health...Until we meet again take care and GOD bless you all, from your friend Matt...


Diamond in the Rough

download (6).jpeg depression  is the worse 

0 Kudos

Opening Act

That’s such a thoughtful idea!

I’m really looking forward to your daily words of encouragement.

It’s so important to stay positive and remember what matters most.

Reflecting on the people we love and who love us is a great way to stay grounded.

Have a fantastic day and a wonderful weekend too!

Stay safe and take care!

Diamond in the Rough

if  ur going through depression remember this This is toughbut you're tougher.

0 Kudos

Good Saturday afternoon dear friend...Can you believe we are only eight more days away from the first day of fall? Now having stated that, dear friend the Fall Festivities are already beginning here in Up-State N.Y. The colors of foliage are beginning to peek, the Apple Orchards are just about ready to start picking, they have hayrides, trails to explore (depending on where you go), Apple Cider cake and Apple donuts, Apple Cider, Apple Cider Tea...You name it and I'm sure you will find it at your nearest Orchards...So why not go next weekend as a family and experience the great festivities that fall has to offer...Put away your devices and put your busy life on hold for a great family weekend getaway and enjoy it with your loved ones...

Have a great weekend, a blessed week, and plan your weekend getaway for next weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


On the Rise

Can you believe we are only eight more days away from my birthday? @MOHLovesAlaska