I only knew today was your birthday from a post I read, when you and Yoshi were explaining that your birthday's were only two day's apart. So I hope you don't mind that I give you a birthday shout. Have a great day. Have a great birthday. Happy birthday AlyssaPandora. Take care and stay safe.
Well I’ll be! Happy belated birthday Alyssa! You and I both share the same birthday! Hope you had a nice day, and best wishes for many more!❤️😊
@joemd1960 Birthday twins!
Happy belated to you as well. 🥳
@joemd1960 Happiest of birthdays to you! So random, I rarely come across others with the same birthday. It's usually the 15th or 18th of July. Did you know that we have an emoji for our birthday?
The calendar emojis for iOS devices are July 17th 📅 📆.
@MOHLovesAlaska @AdamPandora @TannerPandora Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! 🎉 🎂
Thank you Alyssa! Nice to see we’re special, and have our own emoji!😃
joemd1960 Happy Birthday, I hope you had a joy of a day. Take care and stay safe. Best birthday wishes to you.
AlyssaPandora You are so welcome. You, Tanner, Adam, as well as ErickPandora are really good people. I love how you four are always there willing to help so many who have issues, and questions. You make it so nice to feel welcomed. You all have such kind hearts. I would stay a Pandora customer even if the music was garbage. You and the rest make a great and warm community. Thank you Alyssa. Take care and stay safe. .........P.S I hope your birthday was a memorable one. May you have many upon many more to enjoy with those you love and care for. Take care.
Thank you!
happy birthday!
Thank you! 🎉 @csicollection
Woah. That got me, right here. Beautiful man....
Happy Birthday
Happy belated birthday to you, @Yoshi!
hah, thanks
Happy Birthday @AlyssaPandora
Have a wonderful day and a memorable birthday.
Take care and GOD bless.
@MOHLovesAlaska Woohooo!!! Happy Birthday, @AlyssaPandora!!! 🎉
Happy Birthday, @AlyssaPandora!!
Thank you so much for thinking of me, and for the birthday wishes.
I appreciate each of you @MOHLovesAlaska @AdamPandora @TannerPandora. 🎉
@AlyssaPandora I just wanted to take a moment and say
Have a wonderful day and a blessed birthday...Take care and GOD bless my dear friend...