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Laugh Or Smile Of The Day.

I have been trying to encourage all who read my post "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day." But I have realized that sometimes all one my need to be encouraged for a day, is just a simple smile or a good hearty laugh 😂. So I will try my best to get a smile ☺ or a good hearty laugh out of you each and every day if I can.

  I will post a joke each day, and hopefully it will accomplish my goal, and that is to get you to laugh and or smile, or perhaps both. These jokes will be clean, family friendly, due to the simple fact that there are many youngsters that reply to my posts. I realize by keeping these jokes good and clean that some may sound really corny to adults, but may be really funny to the young crowd. So please keep that in mind as you read.

Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth?


A: A brick  (OOOOOUCH).

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


271 Replies

Good Monday afternoon dear friend, hopefully, this will bring a smile to your Monday frown, or perhaps even a chuckle...

This is for you husbands out there who always seem to lose your wife in the grocery store...The next time you are at the grocery store and you lose your wife this tactic is 100% foolproof in finding her... 

A man approached a very beautiful woman in a supermarket and said, “I’ve lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?” Why do you want to talk to me?” she asked, puzzled. “Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife appears out of nowhere.”

Have a great day... and a wonderful week friend...


P.S. I'm not too sure of what the outcome will be... so you husbands may want to be very cautious in your tactic of how you find your wife...



Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend, hopefully, this will brighten your day even if it is only brief...

Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?

A: Because silly they use a honeycomb.

Have a blessed Tuesday... Take care and GOD bless...




Buzz buzz buzz


Tanner | Community Moderator

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Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend, perhaps this is exactly what you need to smile...

Q: Why can't you explain puns to kleptomaniacs?

A: They always take things literally.

Have a blessed day friend, take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Lol @MOHLovesAlaska. That's a good one! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Good Thursday afternoon friend...Perhaps this is exactly what is needed for you to laugh or smile...

Q: What happens if you pass gas in church?

 A: You have to sit in your own pew of course.

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Friday morning dear friend...Hopefully, this will get you in the right mood heading into the weekend...

How many times have you heard someone say "You should never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach"? Well, I accidentally went grocery shopping on an empty stomach and now I'm the proud owner of aisle 4. 

Have a blessed Friday...and a wonderful weekend...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Monday morning dear friend, I hope you had a blessed weekend...If not, then perhaps this may brighten your Monday...

A patient walks in to see her Physical Therapist as she sits in the chair she states that she has broken her arm in two different places...The Physical Therapist replied, well then may I suggest you stop going to those two different places!!

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday Morning dear friend, are you having a drag of a day thus far?? Well, hopefully, this will help jump-start you right out of that...

Police Officers are always ecstatic when they are told the truth, am I right?? Well, I had a Police Officer who was enraged with me when he asked me where I was between 5 and 6 so I replied truthfully by telling him I was in Kindergartner...

Have a blessed day friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon friend, do you need a little cheer-me-up moment today...Well, it is not going to be today sorry friend...You wanna know why, well, I'll tell you why...

My friend calls me up and gives me the bad news "I have been fired from my Calendar Plant job today"!! Naturally of course I asked why. He said because he took a "Day Off"... 

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Thursday morning friend...Let's see if we can turn that frown upside down...

How well can you trust your hunting buddy??? Well, let's find out, shall we...

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He’s not breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

"I think my friend is dead!” he yells. “What should I do?”

The 911 operator says, “Calm down. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

"Okay, be right back..."BANG" as the shot was fired. Back on the phone, the guy says, “OK, now what?” 

Have a great Thursday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday afternoon dear friend...Maybe this will put a spark into your Friday afternoon...

Q: What do you call someone who sells themselves in exchange for spaghetti?

Have a blessed Friday and a wonderful weekend...Take care and GOD bless...



That's funny, @MOHLovesAlaska🍝

Thanks for sharing! 😂

@AdamPandora I'm glad you liked it, and happy you gotta laugh out of it...Thank you for your support as well as your friendly reply friend...

Have a great Monday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday afternoon dear friend...I do hope this will brighten your Monday...

A wife gets an emergency phone call and says that her husband has suffered severe burns over most of his body including most of his face...The Doctor informs the wife that the only way they could cover the wounds on his face was by skin graph and, if she would be willing to donate her skin for the graphing...She asked the Doctor what part of her body would they take her skin from...He told her from her buttocks so she agreed to go ahead with the procedure...The healing process was even better than expected her husband's look had greatly improved...Her husband apologizes to his wife for having to donate her skin from her butt... But she replied no need to apologize my love...Every time your mom kisses you on the cheek is apology enough for me...

Have a blessed day friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

@MOHLovesAlaska 😆


Thanks for sharing, my friend. You made me crack up on this beautiful Monday morning. I hope you're well, sir.

Erick | Sr. Manager of Social & Communities

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@ErickPandora hello dear friend...I'm ecstatic about how much this joke has brightened your Monday...I just heard about this joke over the weekend...I hope you're doing well my friend...And yes, I'm doing good thanks for asking...Have a great day...Take care, my friend...And GOD bless you...


Good Wednesday morning dear friend...Cheer up hump day is here which means the weekend is in sight...

A Duck walks into the store to purchase some lipstick...As she comes to the counter the store clerk asks are you paying for that with cash or credit Duck? Neither, just put it on my bill...

Have a great Wednesday friend...Take care and GOD bless...



Good find, @MOHLovesAlaska😂🦆

Good Thursday morning dear friend...I hope this will get you to smile...

Q: Why Aren’t Koalas Actual Bears?

A: Well, obviously They don’t meet the koalafications. 

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...
