@Rxnin here are two songs that may surprise some, at least until you fully understand the lyrics.
Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls. A peppy tune, yet the lyrics narrate a story of a couple dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.
Dancing Queen by ABBA. Though lively and fun, it touches on the fleeting nature of youth.
Have a great Sunday. Take care and GOD bless.
P.S. In case you may not understand the term "Fleeting nature of youth". Here it is in layman's terms. "The fleeting nature of youth" essentially means that the period of being young doesn't last forever. It's a way of saying that the joys, opportunities, and experiences of youth are temporary and will eventually pass. So, it’s a reminder to savor and make the most out of the vibrant, energetic, and carefree days while they last. One day will come and you will say "Man, I wish I was young again". Or "If I could go back to such and such a period I would do this, or do that much differently". Enjoy it now my friend, enjoy it now.