my screen used to be blue but now it is orange?
mod edit: format + changed title for clarity
@FD375 I moved your post to the Desktop space to keep the community tidy.
The Now Playing screen will change colors throughout your listening session.
If you would prefer to have an on/off switch for this feature, the best way to get your voice heard is to upvote this existing feature request here. ๐ก
Hope we continue to see you around the community!
@michael1 Our support team has informed me that they already have an open case with you regarding this issue.
If you have any other further questions, please make sure to reply directly to your last message with them, and they will be happy to further assist.
Thanks for being a part of the community!
Why has the pandora backdrop gone from blue to a sickening yellow -- can't read the white type against it - annoying and happened mid-listen.
@lovelyevapt I recommend signing out of Pandora, and then signing back in as that should resolve the issue with that.
If not, can you please let me know what browser you use to stream Pandora?
same here: about the time the orange appeared, my station stopped playing at all
@playitagain Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
Let me know.
Me, too. Sometimes I noticed it changes from blue to orange when I've liked a song. If I unclick the thumbs up button it goes back to blue. But other times it doesn't matter if the song is liked or not, it's just stays an annoyingly bright orange.
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@FD375 I'd be happy to look into this further.
Please follow up with the information requested in my message above.
Hi Adam,
I'm listening to Pandora on a Windows computer from the website on Firefox.
I'm not getting any error messages.
Right now the screen is back to blue. But it keeps changing over to orange or some other random color mix. I'd really like to have the screen stay a color of my choosing. The color change is fine if I find the color appealing, but is really garish and hard to look at if it's a color I don't like and doubly annoying because there doesn't seem to be any way for me to control it in the settings
@FD375 I moved your post to the Desktop space to keep the community tidy.
The Now Playing screen will change colors throughout your listening session.
If you would prefer to have an on/off switch for this feature, the best way to get your voice heard is to upvote this existing feature request here. ๐ก
Hope we continue to see you around the community!
Hey, @capehorn3. ๐
I moved your post over to this thread to keep the community organized. Other listeners have mentioned similar experiences above.
Let me know.
Screen color background has changed from blue to brown, I would like to change it back.
Windows 10, desktop app, chrome. This all started when I tryed to start a new station based on a song.
Let's try some troubleshooting @capehorn3.
For Windows:
First, try resetting the Pandora app from the Help menu (not to worry, we'll keep track of your profile and collection for you). Press Alt on your keyboard to bring up a menu options at the top of the page, then select Help and Reset App Data.
If you're still having issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling using the following steps:
Please note that downloading any application on your devices requires a Microsoft account and password, and it may be a different email address and password than those on your Pandora account.
Also, we do not support Pandora on unofficial OS releases, like preview or developer builds. We only support Pandora on configurations that we have fully tested, so as to ensure the application will work correctly and not cause any problems with functions of the device.
Let me know how it goes. ๐ง
Why did you change it? It used to always be blue. Can't you just change it back to the way it was? Some people are very sensitive to bright colors. It's pretty rude to just suddenly force us to look at neon yellow for no reason. What did we do to you?
Hey, @dwmpasadena. ๐
I completely understand where you're coming from.
Regarding the colors, please check out @AdamPandora's post about this here.
Thanks so much for your feedback about this, and hope to see ya around the community more often! ๐ถ
I also can't get rid of the hideous yellow background. It hurts my eyes and I can't read the white type. I've logged out and in a few times. Didn't change. I'm on Google Chrome.
@MIckieT Nice to see you around the community.
To clarify, the Now Playing screen will change colors throughout your listening session.
If you would prefer to have an on/off switch for this feature, the best way to get your voice heard is to upvote this existing feature request here. ๐ก
Pandora "folks" still haven't answered one of the original concerns, "How to turn off the gawdy brown-grey colours and retain the original blue". Haven forbid, the advertisements have the right colours.
(windows-10, using Google Chrome)
@cfollan1 I moved your post over to this thread since it sounds like you are running into a similar issue.
If your now playing screen is also staying stuck on the orange/brown color others on this thread mentioned, I recommend running through these troubleshooting steps: Chrome Troubleshooting
You may also want to try using a different browser to see if the issue is specific to Google Chrome.
Thanks for working with me on this. ๐ค