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(RESOLVED) Desktop: Shuffle no longer displays what station track is playing from

Opening Act

Last week I noticed that the station had stopped being displayed on the Shuffle Banner.

I just checked this out again today and when I scroll down far enough to show the banner, I no longer see the station, only what you see below. This happens with both Shuffle All and Shuffle Custom.

Was this an intended change or is it a bug?



Screenshot 2023-06-23.jpg

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114 Replies

Opening Act

I just tested on my PC and logged into Pandora from Microsoft Edge. It works for me. If @karalivbus other laptop still doesn't work, then that will suck. Could the issue be account-related? Could it be regional?

@Pandora, what steps are being taken?

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Diamond in the Rough

yeah I just tried on my old laptop & it does the same thing. I've had an account since 2005 so I would hope its not account related LOL. thanks for all your feedback!


HI @Jodabu1 and @karalivbus!

Sorry for any inconvenience. We're aware of this, unfortunately, the exact cause is still under investigation. Thanks for your continued patience, we appreciate it!

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Local Performer

This is gone again. (Was gone at least once before and came back.) Now just says Shuffle.

Please bring back Station Name during Shuffle. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@localecho I moved your post over to this existing thread: Desktop: Shuffle no longer displays what station track is playing from

Your feedback has now been added to the ticket we have open with our engineering team.

Thanks for your patience!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Opening Act

Is there an ETA on fixing this again?   Hopefully resolved before my membership comes due as I'm considering going to Spotify.


This feature is once again not working for me on Chrome. I see the artist and song title, but not what station it's playing from. It's impossible to rate the songs like this, as I have no idea what station I'd be affecting.

Diamond in the Rough

It has been months. I am doubting they will ever fix it & I also am considering other options at this point. Its most unfortunate since I've been using pandora for nearly 10 years

Local Performer


All of my songs say Shuffle: [Artist] - [Song Name]. It never shows the station it is playing the song from. Please advise how to get the origin station to show.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@xarknor I moved your post over to this existing thread: Desktop: Shuffle no longer displays what station track is playing from

Your feedback has now been added to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are looking into this.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Opening Act

Earlier this year, I was having this same issue. Then it was fixed for me. But apparently, it wasn't fixed for everyone. Based on some previous posts, some also had it fixed, but then the issue started again for them. It was starting to look like I was the only one with this feature still working. 

Now, it's no longer working for me either. The issue came back for me about a week or two ago. I'm just chiming in with everyone else that this helpful feature is no longer working.

Opening Act

Hey AdamPandora.   Is there an ETA yet?  Seems like this is at least the 2nd regression and would think the smart coders could figure out how to restore in a quicker time frame than months?  

Opening Act

This issue is NOT fixed... why is marked as fixed?  It is NOT  fixed.

Opening Act

Like many subscribers, I am disappointed that Pandora can not fix this issue. Feels like someone in charge has chosen to do nothing! You will eventually lose some subscribers.

Opening Act

This is starting to feel like it was a Product Managers great idea to eliminate the functionality to perhaps drive more plays across a spectrum of shuffle stations!   If it was truly a bug Pandora could have reverted code by now.  

Sad sad....looks like just a couple months left for my subscription and what appears an imminent switch to Spotify

Opening Act

It started working for me this morning!

I check every day.   I accidentally rebooted my windows OS which also included a Chrome update last night, which I usually don't do..

I'm unusre if it was related to the reboot or just a coincidence... but the station name appears during shuffle for me again today !

It's really important info when shuffling multiple stations to know which station a song was from...

Opening Act

Not working for me this am. Shuffle does not show which station is playing!

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Opening Act

Not working for me, either.

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Opening Act

I'm convinced that this issue was actually intentional, as there was also simultaneously an issue involving the same station playing for SEVERAL songs in a row during shuffle mode which they could not fix. I think they removed the station names from shuffle mode so we could no longer track which station was playing at any given time, so that we couldn't report the other issue anymore. I'm more mad about that issue than I am about the no station name issue, but I haven't received ANY messages or updates from anyone about that issue for 3 or 4 months now... 

Opening Act
Miracles do happen!  Full reboot picking up MS Windows latest big update forced to log back into Pandora via Firefox.   I reboot both of my Windows boxes at least weekly and up until today this hadn't resolved the issue.  Recently Played while on Shuffle is working again!  Hope it stays that way too.
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